Fix (chapter 32) pt1

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Very very short chapter

Pansy: " now we need to get Mattheo to stop hating her "

Enzo: " that's not going to be easy

Pansy: " I know but we need to try "

Enzo: " I know, it's hard seeing them like this , they love eachother but Mattheo's hurt"

Pansy: " she was happy Enzo, I don't know why Mattheo can't see that but she was happy, she was learning about her life and where she came from, she was able to be herself, and use her powers without having to worry about hurting or killing someone she loves "

Enzo: " I-i know that , but Mattheo doesn't, honestly that's probably a reason he doesn't want to forgive her "

Pansy: " why?"

Enzo: " because he thinks she selfish, she was happy when she was gone but he wasn't, he probably feels like she only cares about herself because she was happier when she was gone then when she was shere ... with him and he had to be alone and sad without her "

Pansy: " yeah...., but she isn't selfish, she was finally doing something that made her happy, she was finally putting herself first before us "

Enzo: " I know pansy but he just can't see that "

Pansy: " well maybe he needs to stop being a bitch for once , she came back, that's what matters isn't it ?"

Enzo: " not to him, all of Mattheo's life people have left him behind, and he thought yn would be the one person who would never do that to him , but then she did. He was so heartbroken that he had to try and forget everything that happened between them just to move on. And she comes back acting like everything will just be normal again, but he doesn't want to forgive her. He wants to hurt her like she hurt him.

Pansy: " I never knew it was like that for him"

Enzo: " well it is , and I don't know when or if he will even forgive her"

Pansy: " ok well we have to try"

Enzo: " I know, but we can worry about it later , how about me and you go enjoy the party , before we do all that ?"

Pansy: " ok "

Enzo: " but starting tomorrow ,we need to fix this

Pansy: "yeah.."

Enzo: "but we can worry about that tomorrow, let's head back to the party"

Pansy: "okay "

*They head back to the party

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