self harm and self recognition (chpt 17

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this is a long part )

*pansy and Enzo walk into Mattheo's room and he is on the floor crying and there is blood on the floor

Enzo: " oh shit "

Pansy: " oh fuck"

*Enzo runs up to Mattheo

Enzo: " what the fuck happened man"

Mattheo: " I fucked up so bad, I fucked another women because I felt betrayed that yn kissed Tom,I should have waited to hear her side of the story and now I have hurt the girl I like  with all my heart because I couldn't have just waited a day"

Enzo: " she will forgive you at one point "

Mattheo: " she shouldn't forgive me,I did something horrible to make her jealous"

Pansy: " so you hurt yourself!?"

Mattheo: " yeah ,I want to kill myself for what I did to her, it would make her life so much easier "

Pansy: " don't say that she would be fucking devastated "

Mattheo: " she would have such a better life if I wasn't in it ,she deserves so much more"

*Tom walks in

Tom: " yet she likes you with all her heart,if you did this she would be very fucking sad bro"

Mattheo: " why do you care ?"

Tom: " cause I realized this was all my fault,none of this would have happened if I just apologized to yn and not forced her into that kiss ,but I know she likes you man and I know you like  her to ,so shwo her that before you lose her "

Mattheo: " she probably hates me now,why do I always fuck things up"

Pansy: " I bet I can convince her to talk to you "

Mattheo: " maybe this is for the best,she can find someone that can protect her and won't hurt her ,and that guy isn't me "

*Yn screams

Enzo: " what the fuck ,was that yn?"

Pansy: " yeah it was ,let's go check on her "

                   Yn's pov and thoughts

*Yn screamed because theo is back ,but she can't forgive him after what he did

Yn: " what the hell are you doing back here?"

(Why did they even think about letting him back into this school after what he did ,they should have told me)

*Pansy,tom,Mattheo & Enzo run to see what's wrong

Pansy: " no fucking way "

Mattheo: " oh fuck no "

Tom: " hell no man"

Theo: " guys I was allowed back as long as I say sorry to yn "

Yn: " fuck that I don't accept your apology"

Theo: " I haven't even said my apology yet"

Yn: " well I don't want to hear it "

Theo: " please just hear me out ,I spent a lot of time on this apology "

Yn: " fine ,hurry up"

Theo: " what I did was so wrong ,I should have never done it ,I was so pissed because I have never loved someone like I loved you and I thought you felt the same so when I saw you and Mattheo together I got so jealous because I loved you and I did something that I will regret for the rest of my life , it will haunt me til the day I die ,I know you won't forgive me and I don't expect you to ,but I will tell you everyday how sorry I am because I feel horrible for what I did ,I should have never laid a finger on you and I have learned my lesson and I know that you hate me but I hope one day you will be able to forgive me "

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