wake up (chapter 24)

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Mattheo's pov and thoughts

*Mattheo wakes up and pansy is still sleeping

(I'm the only one awake, it's so quiet but it's peaceful )

*Mattheo sits in his thoughts for the next 10 mins then pansy wakes up

Pansy: " is whe awake yet ?"

*Mattheo snaps out of his thoughts and turns to pansy

*Mattheo sighs
Mattheo: " no she isn't "

*Poppy pomfrey walks in

Poppy: " is she up yet ?"

Mattheo: " clearly not "

Poppy: " watch your mouth riddle and will you guys stay with her during school hours I already talked to Dumbledore and he said it's ok if you guys skip classes until she wakes up so you guys can keep her company"

(I was going to skip and stay with her either way so this is just the easier way )

Mattheo: " ok thank you so much"

Pansy: " yes thank you ma'am"

Poppy: " no problem kiddos "

*Poppy pomfrey walks away and Mattheo and pansy go back to waiting

Pansy: " did classes start yet?"

*Matthoe look up at the clock in the room

Mattheo: " it's 5 minutes until classes start "

Pansy: " ok , I really hope yn wakes up soon"

Mattheo: " yeah me to "

*2 minutes later Theo,Enzo ,Tom and blaize walk in

Enzo: " hwy we wanted to come check how yn was doing "

Theo: " you wanted to check"
*Theo says under his breath

(Did theo really just say that ,he better watch himself before I kill him)

Mattheo: " what did you say Theo ?"

Theo: " nothing man "

Mattheo: " that's what I thought"

*Theo rolls his eyes

Pansy: " guys please stop , and Enzo yn hasn't woken up yet , we are hoping she wakes up soon"

Tom: " why aren't you guys in uniform yet , classes start in 3 minutes"

Pansy: " poppy pomfrey talked to Dumbledore and he wants us to stay with yn until she wakes up so we don't have to go to classes but see y'all later "

Blaize: " ok we will talk to you later, make sure to tell us when yn wakes up"

Pansy: " yeah of course"

Enzo: " ok thanks , see you later "

Pansy: " bye "

Enzo & blaize: " bye"

*Enzo, blaize,Tom and thow head to class and pansy and Mattheo start waiting again

*A few hours pass and it's 10 minutes until lunch

*Pants groans

Pansy: " this is taking forever"

Mattheo: " if you went through what she went through she would be waiting for you to so let her rest,her body needs it "

Pansy: " yeah I know I miss her , and her smile and I hate that she had to go through this , I should have never started a party , even though she asked ,I should have just said no and helped her though the breakup, I'm a horrible friend "

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