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Jisoo thinks that it's about to - and she just can't stand it. It will explode from emotions and stress. Of course, she can't afford it.

The past couple of weeks have been just crazy: studying, working, preparing for exams — and so on in a vicious circle. Sometimes Jisoo felt as if she didn't have a second to breathe and some meaningful pause to analyze the past day. So when she woke up in the morning, she thought only that it was all like Groundhog Day: dull, monotonous and disgustingly boring.

Sometimes she remembered Jennie's parting look in the audience: painful and as if forced. "You knew it would happen sooner or later, why are you surprised?" she seemed to say invisibly, and Jisoo fell into a real tantrum. The first few days she was tormented by anxiety and anxiety, but the closer June approached, the more pressure was felt from the teachers who were concerned about the upcoming session. Jisoo has always been puzzled by her studies, but studying at the most prestigious university in the country, this feeling became more acute than ever, and after some time of suffering for Jennie, she slowly began to let go of the situation.

She did not cool down, but she understood that there were much more important things in the midst of this turmoil. Ultimately, Jisoo wanted to remain realistic.

However, reality mercilessly hit her on the cheeks when her gaze accidentally caught a familiar figure in the corridors or in the library. My stomach immediately cramped in an incomprehensible painful spasm, and my heart began to rumble like crazy, depriving me of all reason. Hardly Jisoo cooled down to this woman. A vague feeling of betrayal for some reason settled unpleasantly inside, although the girl understood that Jennie would have to leave, and a legitimate teacher would return to her place. However, the girl was not ready for this — it happened so abruptly, in one day. And every time Jennie's gaze also clung to the black mop of hair, Jisoo was ready to bet that she could give everything so that only a woman would continue to look at her.

They practically did not intersect — they did not pass by each other, greeting each other with restraint, so that all their interaction was built on looks from afar alone. It was as if they wanted to remind each other that they still remembered each other's existence. In any case, in the hustle and bustle of weekdays, Jisoo instantly forgot about it, and this continued exactly until the case when they had to run into each other in a sparsely populated corridor.


She could have stopped earlier, but it was like a silent war between them over who would speak first. Who will give up their positions and admit their weakness to another. It seemed to Jisoo that there was bewilderment in Jennie's gaze: "Why didn't you stop and keep walking like we didn't know each other?" Pursing her lips, the girl nervously glanced at her watch — she was always in a hurry somewhere.

-Hello.- A forced, almost forced smile appeared on her lips.

To be honest, Jisoo would make a bad liar.

-Haven't seen you for a long time.- Jennie drawled in a tone as if she had been her homeroom teacher throughout middle and high school.- How's your studies going?

-It's hard, but bearable.- Jisoo answered shortly, not knowing at all whether she should ask something in response.

-The final test is coming, I hope you won't let me down on modern design.- The soft laughter of the woman suddenly sent goosebumps, and my chest ached unpleasantly from this ease in someone else's voice.

-I'll try.

The fact that the girl was noticeably nervous did not hide from the woman: she kept biting her lips and carefully averted her gaze, as if deliberately not wanting to look at her. Deep down, this hurt the woman, but she did not show it, and, looking at Jisoo with disappointment, she insinuated:

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