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Jisoo finds it funny when Jennie is jealous of her.

They were sitting in a small cafe, lost among the high-rises of Toronto, and the atmosphere was conducive to anything but jealousy. Snow was falling in flakes outside the window—and it was the first snowfall of the season. Unfamiliar indie music was playing inside, and there were already empty plates on the table. Jisoo had always wanted to visit this place, which Ari had praised so much to her, and the funniest thing was that she could not do without mentioning it.

As soon as Jennie saw Ari firsthand, and even after the context about a friend who supposedly would help Jisoo relax, the woman immediately tensed up, and the brunette could not ignore this change in her behavior.

-So this friend... she... - Jennie seemed to be trying to find the right words, but, as luck would have it, there was not a single suitable thought in her head.

-Ari.- Jisoo reminded, nodding her head.- I told you about her.

Yes, if she strain herself, you can remember how the girl mentioned this name a couple of times. And Jennie suddenly remembered how Ari introduced herself as Jisoo's girlfriend when they were at one of the parties. Well, it was really an amazing coincidence.

-Exactly.- The one who introduced herself as your girlfriend. Putting down her fork, the woman took a sip of wine from her glass.- Is there something between you?

-What? No! Of course not!- Jisoo burst out laughing and swayed slightly in her chair.- We're just friends, honestly. And I made a joke about pleasuring and a girlfriend, you know...

In fact, Jennie didn't know, and for some reason a nasty feeling of doubt suddenly settled in her chest, as if something of what was happening was not true. As if she herself is a lie. A grain of lies. But Jisoo did not let her doubt and, easily leaning across the table, fell to the woman's lips, catching such a familiar fragrance of perfume.

-I didn't think you were so jealous.- A slight grin graced the girl's face, and she narrowed her eyes rather, watching Jennie awkwardly tuck her hair behind her ear.

-Did you say something to her... about us?

It was obvious how nervous Jennie was and that she didn't really like the whole situation. Jisoo understood that the woman values her reputation, and that another student who knows about their affair is just a chance that someone else will be able to find out about it. And even though Ari was Jisoo's friend and Jisoo was sure of her, the girl could fully understand Jennie's feelings. Covering her hand and gently stroking the skin, the brunette tried to calm the teacher, whispering conspiratorially:

-She's my best friend, but I didn't tell her any details.

It seemed that the woman's heart was about to stop, and the blood immediately rushed to her face, she was absolutely not ready for this. That's why Ari looked at her like that—awkwardly, shyly and with a clear intention to escape as soon as possible.

-We discussed this!- Jennie raised her voice a little, pulling her hand away.- We agreed that all our communication will remain between us...

-Listen, damn, I know, but ... - Ruffling her hair, Jisoo pressed her lips together, trying to find the very words that would somehow justify her.- I know, okay? It happened by accident and a long time ago, when we were not together yet, and then somehow by itself...

Jisoo absolutely understood all of Jennie's feelings and her fears and her resentment, but there was nothing she could do. Involuntarily chewing her lip, she just wanted to say stupefyingly that she was sorry that nothing terrible would happen and everything would be fine, but the woman suddenly frowned and turned away, as if considering what she had said.

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