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It seems to Jennie that everything is not happening for real, as if everything around her is a lie. Brazen, uncompromising, with the ensuing consequences.

But Jisoo's touches are quite real, making the spine tremble, and goosebumps run along the arms, stopping with tingling in the fingertips. And to feel Jisoo in her own hands is real, her soft, very young skin, untouched by wrinkles, her small scar to the right of the navel, her freckles randomly scattered across her face. Jisoo is probably the most real thing Jennie has ever had.

Love with Michael has always been kind of forced, tortured for long years after the wedding, and the son was only a ghostly reminder of this event, and it was just amazing how this family, quietly existing from each other, could remain strong and inspiring in the eyes of others. Lying is an amazing manipulator that causes admiration. It is always easy to admire a lie, it is customary to give an example of a lie. But with Jisoo—Jennie, she don't have to lie. Practically not necessary.

Except for those moments when a smug girl stretches out like a cat, once again wanting to hear a declaration of love, as if it would really change something. And Jennie once again smiles affectionately at her, gently passing strands of black hair through her fingers and reminding her that this is just sex.

-Liar.- Jisoo purrs without malice and clings closer to someone else's hand, so that the woman does not pull away.

She looks at Jennie carefully, as if analyzing what has been said, glances at the small wrinkles around her eyes, drops lower to her lips, involuntarily remembering how they carefully studied her small scar some time ago, and then unexpectedly suggests:

-Do you lie often?

-What do you mean?- Jennie is straining, but she doesn't show it, because Jisoo is the most real thing she has, she don't need to lie with Jisoo.

You can only keep a secret from her, but does this count as a lie?

-I mean, how often do you lie to others? You seem unperturbed, saying completely absurd things.

And surprisingly, the woman breaks into a smile, quickly kissing the girl on the temple and helping her to button her coat. It's pretty cold in the car with the engine off, even though the windows are fogged up from their breath, and catching herself on this thought, Jennie is a little embarrassed, feeling completely young and crazy. She can't even remember the last time she had sex in a car. It seems that this was when she and Michael were not married yet, and now such an experience caused her a real wave of delight and some kind of awe, which the woman could hardly explain.

-I don't have to lie, because people, as a rule, don't ask me about such things.- She explains innocently, and Jisoo can't take her eyes off the brown-haired woman's hands, which carefully cover the girl.- Better tell me, why did the head of the department need you then?

-She said that someone from Vancouver was interested in our project, and it is likely that I could be offered a grant to develop this topic and study in Vancouver.- Hastily wrapping a scarf around her neck, given by Jennie, Jisoo smiles softly, looking at the woman.- But all this is still in question, so I didn't want to talk about it ahead of time.

-Would you like to stay in Canada?

Jennie feels as if her heart is being squeezed in a fist, preventing it from beating evenly. She knows that, eventually, Jisoo will have to leave, but if she really cares about it, she would quite find options to stay. A woman does not want to voice this out loud, as an assumption that after the school year she can not go anywhere.

-I really want to stay here.- Jisoo nods her head, and at the same moment her hand falls on Jennie's hand.- I would really like to stay with you. Wouldn't you like that?

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