05 | jealousy, jealousy

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FIVE jealousy, jealousy◀★▶

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FIVE jealousy, jealousy

Someone nudged Noelle's shoulder. She turned slightly, and her sister beamed at her, raising a glass. "Champagne?" She asked innocently.

Noelle rolled her eyes. Even if June was supposed to be her sister, they didn't look that much alike, the fact that Noelle kept changing her hairstyle really didn't help, nor June's amazing fashion sense which Noelle didn't inherit. She took the glass, swishing the liquid around. "Ex-girlfriend at six o'clock." She warned June, not even bothering to look up.

June frowned, and turned a few times, like a confused dog that was trying to spot a treat. "Which one? Candice? Valentine?"

Noelle didn't answer, and June's eyes widened, having answered her own question. "Shit." June whispered, a worried expression replacing confusion. "Oh." She added, proving her eloquence.

Obviously, Kiara hadn't spotted her. She did look a bit uncomfortable in the Kook scenery, but she was hanging around some... girl. Pretty enough, with dark skin, long curly hair, crocheted white-and-orange tank top who seemed to be joking about something. 

The world drained of color, and then sharpened up again. Noelle's grip on the glass tightened. "Uhm... Noelle?" June asked, her voice suddenly tense. "You're holding the glass a bit too tight for my liking... maybe you should... uh... take a walk."

"Maybe I should." Noelle answered, trying to keep her voice neutral, but it seemed to scare her sister more than if she shouted. Her vision clouded over.


That was new.

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