10 | phone call

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NINE phone call◀★▶

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NINE phone cal

Miya picked up the phone, wondering if this was Ken's idea of payback. But he was probably snoring in somebody else's bed, dreaming of Candyland. "Miyako Nami." She answered with a yawn. "And I don't have any friends who live in Europe, so why-"


It took Miya a second to realize who she was talking to. "Bless you?" She said, confused. She pinched her wrist, and realized that she wasn't dreaming. "Noelle?"

"Earth. The stars."

She's going insane, Miya thought, she's cracking and I don't know how to fix her. Isaac Asimov never explained what to do in these situations. "Full sentences, Noelle. I need a full sentence. You think you can do that?"

A sigh. Great, maybe she was still sane. "Does Earth move, or do the stars move?"

Miya was quiet for a second. What the hell is she talking about

"Hello? Miya, I'm not going mad. Give me the whole astrophysics talk about it, I don't care. Just answer my question. Do the stars move? Or does Earth move?"

Miya sighed. Nope, Noelle's losing her mind, nobody voluntarily listens to my lectures. "Well, take out your science notebook, Elle, and buckle up, there's plenty to talk about on that subject."

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