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Melech Balahot

Hillary took two of the lanterns from the table and put them on the floor, leaving one on the table..

"For effect," she said and smiled. As Jasmine pulled in her chair, she realized how squished they were beneath the small three and a half foot square table. "Okay, here we go. Gently put your fingers on the edge of the Planchette and relax," said Casey. "One, two, three."

Within seconds, the ivory heart-shaped planchette with the window in its center moved. It circled the board and passed by the pentagram. Yes and no diamonds, then stopped.

"Huh," said Casey. "I've never seen this happen." The planchette landed on the letter m, would spin and land again on m.

"I think she wants us to write the message down," said Hillary. "Jazzy, get the pen and paper out of my purse."

Jasmine left the board and hurried. She felt more excitement than hesitation and couldn't wait to get her wish fulfilled by Lilit.

"Hurry," said Casey. "It's giving us different letters really fast."

Jasmine sat back down but didn't put her hands near the board. Instead, she listened as Casey called out letters.

"M... E... L... E... C... H."

"Melech," said Jasmine. "What is that?" The girls were silent as the planchette remained unmoved. Taking their lead, Jasmine kept quiet and waited. But when the ivory heart shaped with the small window at its core again moved, Jasmine felt strange.

She felt pressure on her back and neck. Then, as if a prick or bite pinged her chest, she felt venomous. And it spread with each heartbeat. But it wasn't painful and didn't eat away at her flesh. It was pure terror.

Suddenly, she heard blood running through her body. She felt each contraction against her veinous walls and heard her spine tighten. She couldn't speak, as her throat was dry.

"Jazzy, get ready," said Hillary. "It's moving real fast."

Something's wrong. They need to stop. What is happening to me? Why don't they feel this?

Her mouth dropped open to catch her breath as her mind raced to fight these sensations.

That was when she heard the voice. Of course, it wasn't audible and only in her mind, but she understood it.

"Je vais vous avoir," it said.

I'll have you? But who are you?

"Jazzy," said Casey. "Did you get that?"

Jasmine came back to herself when the harsh voice of her friend startled her.

She blinked to rid herself of the thoughts and effect it had on her body. And as the feeling returned to her throat and mouth, she sighed.

"Come on, Jaz. Take this down." Hillary looked over her shoulder, her fingers on the planchette.

"B... A... L... A... H... O... T."

As Jasmine wrote the letters, anger burned inside of her.

Melech Balahot

She threw down the pen and rushed toward the board. She pushed her way between her friends, who were now shoulder to shoulder.

"Did you just speak to me?" she shouted. "Did you?"

Casey stared, unsure of what to do. Hillary, however, took her hands from the heart-shaped ivory caster and reached for Jasmine's shoulder. Jasmine panted, and her eyes were bloodshot. Her mouth bared her tongue in full extension as it licked her top lip.

"Jazzy, what's wrong?" Hillary got up from the rotting bench and took Jasmine's shoulders. She pulled her in, holding her tight. Hillary felt Jasmine's shivering body and shushed her.

"We need to stop," said Hillary. "Something's wrong here. Put that thing away." When Casey didn't answer, she looked over her shoulder toward the board.

"It said yes."

Casey still sat at the makeshift table as the planchette moved, stopped, and moved again.

"I can't," she said. "I don't know what's happening?"

Casey's voice cracked and strained. And as Jasmine finally accepted Hillary's embrace, she wept. Finally, Casey drew back from the heart-shaped ivory caster with a window at its center.


Casey, the tall redhead with short hair, stood and pushed the Ouija board from the makeshift table. She hugged herself as her face went pale and she wept.

Hillary, the petite and beautiful seventeen-year-old blonde, felt her heart throb and her adrenaline push through her chest.

"What's going on?" she yelled.

Jasmine wanted to answer, but didn't. Instead, she prayed that what she heard was just her imagination caught up in the moment's terror. But when she caught the scent of molasses and the tingle returned, she knew what they had done.

She kissed Hillary and thanked her in a whisper. She walked to Casey, who stood motionless with a blank stare and face. Jasmine was gentle when she touched Casey's cheeks and sighed.

"What did it say?" asked Jasmine. "It's okay. Just tell us."

Tears fell from Casey's cheeks. She rubbed her own shoulders and shook her head. Through her friend's eyes, Jasmine saw the panic.

"I—I don't know. I can't believe it—"

Hillary walked over and hugged them both. And as they joined hands and touched foreheads, Casey took a deep breath and sighed. Then she looked at Jasmine and spoke.

"One of us will die," she said. "One will be sacrificed to the gods."

Casey let go of her cousin's hand and put it on her cheek.

"And one of us will be driven to madness." 

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