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The Bullpen April 21,

15:15 Hours


Over the past five days, Maxine and Kelly were inseparable at work and play. Unlike Jeremy Hwang, who kept things quiet out of fear, Kelly wanted to tell everyone, his words eager and animated. She loved that.

"I already told Keegan," he said. "Tomorrow night at my aunt and uncle's house, I was going to tell all of them during dinner. I want people to know."

Maxine's heart fluttered, like the first time she had been kissed or the first time she experienced the tingle of puppy love. She hadn't felt that connection with Jeremy or anyone else since she was a teenager, and she couldn't believe this was happening.

Could you be the one?

"It's up to you, sweetheart. I'm all in."

"Um," she said. "Let's wait until the commotion dies down. I mean, I did just tell Hwang to piss off, so—"

"Okay. But remember something, I'm not him." They kissed as their palms touched.

"Well," she said. "People already think we're sleeping together, anyway." A smile fell over her lips as she tilted her head. "Not that we're there yet, or that I'm opposed to it, but...maybe...someday."


As Chaney finished the briefing, the sounds of chairs being pushed, laughter, conversations, and portables overcame the room.

As Keegs passed Kelly his seventh-owed tobacco pouch, Lieutenant Chaney cleared his throat and was abrupt.

"Hey," he shouted. "I forgot. I want to see Kelly and McMenamin in my office now."

Whistles, exclamations, and expressions of awe filled the room. As Max headed toward Kelly, Keegs took a firm hold of Kelly's arm and leaned in to whisper.

"You think he knows about you two? I mean, bro, that can be trouble."

Kelly nodded in agreement as Maxine walked over, a smile spreading across her face. She struggled to resist the overwhelming urge to hug or kiss his cheek. She had a strong desire to show him affection and an intense craving for people to know.

Her warm smile, tinged with innocence, revealed her obliviousness to the unfolding events. Especially the way Chaney stopped everyone from leaving and, with a stern voice, called them out.

With smirks adorning their faces, Martinez and Hwang strolled past, exuding an air of arrogance.

"Good luck to you, Corporal, and your little princess," said Martinez. Hwang huffed and glared at Maxine.

Unphased by the two idiots, Kelly was more concerned with the meeting. But when Maxine caught Martinez looking over her shoulder at Keegan, she gasped.

"Keegs," she said. Max's jaw opened wide, and her eyes lit up while smiling. She chuckled and pointed at Martinez while Keegan stood tall. "What was that look?" She paused and took in a deep breath. "Oh, my God, Martinez flirted with you."

"Wait, what?" said Kelly. "Please tell me you didn't."

Keegs' smile stretched from one ear to the other as he lifted his chest with pride, nodded, and took hold of his duty belt.

"Oh, I did, my good friend. Three times, to be exact. While you two were doing Kelly and Max things at home, I sought a cease-fire that I hope will hold for at most another two weeks."

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