13 2 19

Ximenia Carvalho


17:10 Hours

"Central to all units on Tac-two. As per Watch Command, we are enacting the immediate implementation of all FTO partnerships without delay. Unaccompanied patrol officers can ride alone or with another unit, 16:40 hours."

Maxine waited for Kelly as he met the investigators, who arrived less than thirty minutes after the broadcast had aired. Just out of their SUVs, the photographers hurried to set up their equipment and start documenting the area by photo. CSI taped the scene off, and the tedium of standing around and waiting for Bongiovanni, who was in court, meant more time next to the corpse.

Guldbrandsen and Keegs walked from the SUV, their boots crunching on gravel. They were the third unit to arrive, following Martinez slash the handsome Jeremy Hwang and Fletcher slash the possessive Gary Fessenden. Guldbrandsen looked around and took in the gruesome sight of the lifeless body.

He showed nothing. No hint of a flinch as the pungent smells filled his nostrils, nor any attempt to divert his eyes from the unsettling sight. All he did was raise his eyebrows, purse his lips, and smile with little conviction.

"I assigned Jeremy Hwang to our side of the shed," said Kelly. "He's got access control from there. And I put Fessenden at its far side for media control."

"What about Martinez and Fletcher?" asked Guldbrandsen.

"Martinez has perimeter watch, and I sent Fletcher back on patrol. He can ride with Marcello if that's okay?"

Guldbrandsen didn't respond. He shook his head and grunted a split second later.

"That's fine. You can take care of that, right?"

Kelly nodded and watched Guldbrandsen navigate the chuck holes and divots in the sand and stone until he reached the SUV.


Kelly, Keegs, and Maxine huddled together, just a stone's throw away from the lifeless body. As Keegs and Kelly shared their tobacco, the rustling leaves caught Max's attention, causing her to gaze upwards at the treetops.

You were there the first time. Where are you now?

She looked and waited until she saw him. The sunset illuminated his glistening body as he flew overhead, highlighting every immaculate and sculpted feature. His motionless wingspan accompanied the soundless landing on a tree branch overlooking the body.

Alpha corvus. You're the one.

Maxine took a few steps closer to the towering oak tree, which had become the gathering spot for the crow and his companions. And with a harsh caw followed by three distinct grating and rattling coos, they came, filling the air with their cacophony.

"A murder of crows."

"Wait, what'd you say?" asked Kelly as he turned toward the tree. Maxine pointed to the branch as six more black-winged Corvus found their landing spot around their alpha.

Keegs shrugged and returned to the body, distracting him since his arrival.

"That's a murder of crows," said Max. "An old wives' tale says that whoever hears them caw three times means death is coming."

"But she's already dead," Kelly replied.

"No. The alpha just cried out to bring the murder to him."

Kelly looked back at the tree, seeing the crows flying, dipping, and swooping about the alpha.

"That means," he said. "Someone else is going to die."

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