Ep 5

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yn - come on - I quietly opened the door and went in - it's a mess, please don't say that

Jenna - I'm not like that, and you happen to have a nice one here

yn - thank you - suddenly I saw my dog, he is something like a sibling, he would almost betray us by barking - sssh, quiet - I said and took him in my arms to calm him down

Jenna - jeez he's cute - petted him - what's his name?

yn - Max - I whispered so as not to wake my parents, we entered my room

Jenna - it's cozy here

yn - thank you - I laid down on the bed and was slowly falling asleep when I felt Jenna leave - Jenna?

Jenna - what's going on?

yn - you can stay here, my parents don't come to my room please

Jenna - I shouldn't, but since it's you, I'll stay, but you go to sleep

yn - ok thanks - I turned on the tv to some random movie and lay in Jenna's arms and she laughed - I'm not too heavy am I?

Jenna - you're not sweetie - she kissed my forehead

yn - ok good night

Jenna - good night darling

yn - um - did she really call me honey? and twice in a row and what about the mouth? it could all just be because of my parents, but it doesn't have to, I thought as I fell asleep and woke up a few hours later because I felt Jenna leaving

Jenna - Hello? other? wake up, I have to go to the caravan, I have to get a good night's sleep because I have a shoot in the afternoon, and I think you should get up too

yn - hhh, ok

Jenna - hi - kissed my head and slowly left

yn - Jenna?

Jenna - yes?

yn - I know you don't know many people, but anyway, please don't tell anyone about yesterday

Jenna - don't worry honey, bye

yn - bye - Jenna left - I have to get up, I got out of bed, went to do my hygiene, put on make-up, get dressed and went to school, on the way to the bus stop I knocked on one of the caravans that were at the filming location when we were walking yesterday, Jenna showed me in which she is

Jenna - on

yn - hello- I walked in and saw Jenna looking at me and lying in bed - don't worry, I just came to say hello and thank you

Jenna - and for what please?

yn - you know, and simply for everything, I hugged her and I almost cried with the happiness of having met her in my life

Jenna - don't cry, you'll smear your mascara - she laughed and so did I

yn - ok bye - i hugged her one more time and she went to school, it was my penultimate day of school, tomorrow is my last day

Jenna - Hi

coincidence? Yn x Jenna Ortega Where stories live. Discover now