Ep 10

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yn - good

Jenna - after a few falls we reached her room - it couldn't have been quieter

yn - I was quiet as a mouse

Jenna - well, I thought you'd sober up and that's it, go to sleep

yn-ok-yn took off her clothes and went to bed, after a while I thought she was already asleep but I heard her talking quietly

yn - stay

Jenna - what? - I turned towards her

yn - stay ... please

Jenna - I'd like to, but you have parents here

yn - he's leaving for vacation in a while - she said half asleep

Jenna - good - I laid down next to her and hugged her back, I waited for her parents to leave and then I fell asleep too

~ the next morning ~


Yn - I woke up with a terrible headache with a hangover and Jenna was sitting in front of me - hh what are you doing here, I was scared of you

Jenna - do you remember anything?

yn - well, a little - I only remembered how I bought alcohol and what I said to Jenna, the fuck did I TELL HER THAT?! I'll pretend I don't remember - well, I only remember that I bought that bottle of alcohol

Jenna - hhh

yn - what happened? Why are you here ?

Jenna - well you sent me a message - Jenna read the message I sent her

yn - God, I'm sorry, I don't know why I wrote this to you

Jenna - it's okay, don't apologize

yn - I have to, what happened next?

Jenna - I followed you and..

yn - you didn't have to go there

Jenna - .. I wanted to, anyway you were drunk so I tried to get you to me you only fell three times on the way - she said and laughed while I was dying of embarrassment

yn - next?

Jenna - well then we were at my place where you were sick, you said some stupid things and then you fell off my chair - she said and showed me the video where I fell off the chair, at which she laughed

yn - well, I'm embarrassed

Jenna - you don't have to, don't worry, it's fine

yn - is that all?

Jenna - well almost, then we tried to get to your house where she made more noise than was good and almost fell down the stairs a couple of times but then she almost fell asleep and wanted me to stay here

yn - shit, I'm really sorry

Jenna - you don't have to, you can text me anytime, just promise me you'll never get so drunk again

yn - don't worry, I don't drink

Jenna - can I ask you something?

yn - yes?

Jenna - why did you get drunk?

yn - um - I sighed - parents..

Jenna - I'm so sorry - she hugged me and a tear fell on me - whenever something happens just text me especially please don't drink anymore

yn - I won't - I said, she wiped the tear that was running down my face

Jenna - don't cry, believe me it will be fine, everything is just a season

yn - well thank you

Jenna - hey, I have to go now, I'm very busy now, but in a few days I'll have a day off, so maybe we can go to lunch

yn - ok but I pay

Jenna - no, me

yn - no, me, take it as thanks

Jenna - ok I'm going bye - she hugged me goodbye and I hugged her too

yn - ok bye - Jenna left and I went back to sleep

•I hope you enjoyed this part, should I post episodes more often?❤️‍🩹💋•

coincidence? Yn x Jenna Ortega Where stories live. Discover now