Ep 18

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Melissa - hey, I know we didn't meet on good terms, I'm sorry, we don't want to pretend nothing happened and start from the beginning

Yn - um - I didn't want to because her hug with Jenna literally pissed me off, but I guess I have nothing else to do - ok

Melissa - well, come on, you have to sign some paper first

Yn - I know - I said and went to see Jenna the boss, I signed the paper and went with Melissa to see Jenna, I saw her filming so I didn't want to disturb her and I waited for her to finish, she's really talented, she finished in a few minutes and when she saw me so she came to me and hugged me and I hugged her too

Jenna - Hi

Yn - hello

Jenna - did you really come?

Yn - of course, I missed you

Jenna - we've only seen each other for a few hours

Yn - I know anyway

Jenna - aww, you're a sweetheart

Yn - can I kiss you? - I asked, looking around us

Jenna - you can, the people here don't care

Yn - ok - I said and gave her a kiss and hugged her once more

Cinematographer - Jenna

Jenna - I have to go, I'll be back in a little while - she said, gave me a quick kiss and left, she just had a scene with Melissa, so I sat down and watched them, after a while Melissa finished but Jenna was still filming, Melissa came to me and sat next to me me

Melissa - how do you like it here - she said and laughed

Yn - good

Melissa - especially Jenna, right?

Yn - you're probably right - I blushed a little

Melissa - so you're dating now?

Yn - yes

Melissa - finally, I'm happy for you - she said enthusiastically

Yn - are you really happy about this?

Melissa - yes, you really don't believe me that I have nothing to do with her, I never have and I will never have anything to do with her, I don't even like her, I have a boyfriend

Yn - i - i know - I was actually quite happy when she said that

Melissa - stop hating me so much

Yn - it's not like that, I didn't say I hate you

Melissa - I saw it in you

Yn - well I didn't really like you sorry I was just jealous - I said making her sigh

Melissa - ok ok - before long Jenna had a break and sat down with us and the three of us were talking

Melissa - when did you two even get together

Jenna - you know how we came to see you a few days ago?

Melissa - yes?

Yn - so basically a few minutes later - I added and gave her a kiss on the cheek

Melissa - you two are so cute together

Cameraman - Jenna , Melissa on set

Melissa - here we go

Jenna - I think that's the last scene, actually then we're going to another place, maybe you can go with us, I'll ask, so I'm going - she said and gave me a kiss

Yn - well - it was so good, I was glad I could be there with her and I also became friends with Melissa and found out that she's not that bad, she's actually quite nice, I really enjoyed watching them, actually I didn't even know what the series was called, I was only interested in Jenna

•thank you for reading•

coincidence? Yn x Jenna Ortega Where stories live. Discover now