Ep 13

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Jenna - what the fuck was she doing? She's either drunk or... drunk - I went to her house, luckily the door was open, I went in and saw yn on the ground, she didn't look well - hey yn?! what did you have

Yn - nothing, you're going to catch dragons

Jenna - what dragons

Yn - everyone - said as she seemed to be slowly falling asleep

Jenna - I know I shouldn't but now I have to - I took his phone and unlocked it because he has it on Face ID and looked at the latest messages - who is "Abby 🍃"?! - I read the news - j0inta ?! Like seriously yn?! - I looked at her, who looked like she didn't even know her name - I'll write to Abby

/Jenna: Abby? Look, I don't know who you are, I'm yn's friend btw, I have a problem, can I call you?/

/ Abby : I guess so /

Jenna - I called her - Abby?

Abby - yes?

Jenna - how much did you give her?

Abby - I'd rather hang up, I don't want to be the problem

Jenna - No no no no no I don't want to tell anyone I just need help

Abby - ok and with what?

Jenna - tell me how much you gave her and what should I do with her?

Abby - damn, just one, but it affects people who don't have experience with it more, what is she doing now?

Jenna - how can I say it, wait, I'll turn on the video call

Abby - ok - I turned on the video call and turned the camera to yn who was rolling on the ground - fuck it, it's bad like that but it will be fine by morning

Jenna - what should I do with her? - I asked and didn't realize it and turned the camera on me


Jenna - fuck yeah please don't tell anyone just help me please

Abby - ugh ok put her down give her lots of water until she stops talking nonsense then give her something to eat and let her sleep

Jenna - ok thanks

Abby - how do you know each other?

Jenna - that's a long time, so write to me afterwards and I'll write back to you when I have time

Abby - good

Jenna - you don't know why she wanted it? Didn't she say something?

Abby - I asked her too but she said not to worry but she didn't look very well, she looked like she had been crying a while ago

Jenna - I don't understand, we were together before, nothing bad, but I assume that with marijuana and alcohol, is it possible that what he is saying now is true?

Abby - what did she say?

Jenna - ok but don't tell anyone ok?

Abby - ok

Jenna - she said something like she loved me but I betrayed her

Abby - I was worried you had a problem, I guess she's telling the truth, what did you do to her?

Jenna - not really, just a while ago we were having a normal conversation

Abby - I don't know, but she's probably telling the truth, hey, I have to go now, write me how it turned out, bye

Jenna - ok bye - I hung up

Jenna - come on, what about you now, yn! Get up - I helped her get up

Yn - there's another dragon over there, watch out

Jenna - ynn! Now no dragons come on I led her down to the living room and sat her on the couch and handed her a bottle of water - drink it

Yn - I don't want it, leave me

Jenna - do it

Yn - leave me

Jenna - what have I done to you?

Yn - I really loved you and you betrayed me

Jenna - what?

Yn - you betrayed me

Jenna - well it's not worth it, now drink that water

Yn - well - she took a drink of water

Jenna -even more

Yn - ok

Jenna - now sit here and don't catch any more dragons

Yn - I already caught them all

Jenna - good

~ an hour later ~

Jenna - wait here I'll give you something to eat - I went to the kitchen I gave her something to eat she ate it then I told her to go to sleep which she did and I watched her and thought what did I do to her? - I was sitting next to her and since it was night I also fell asleep

•I hope you liked the episode, it's a bit interesting, again, as I said, I have no experience with it, I don't know how you behave after drugs and I'm not encouraging anyone•

coincidence? Yn x Jenna Ortega Where stories live. Discover now