Ep 12

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Jenna - can we go anywhere tomorrow?

yn - good

Jenna - if you want to

yn - of course I want to

Jenna - ok see you tomorrow

yn - ok, hello - I hugged her and went towards home

Jenna - Hi

yn - I was already going to unlock the door when I turned around once more and saw Jenna hugging a girl, it didn't look like they were just friends - who the fuck is that?! - I couldn't watch it anymore, so I went home, who the hell was that - tears started to flow down my face until they couldn't be stopped, I was sad and angry at the same time, I understand that she can like whoever she wants, but why didn't she tell me? I promised her that I wouldn't do anything like last time, but fuck it - I took my cell phone out of my pocket and texted a girl who will get everything

/message for Abby 🍃: Abby?/

/Abby: what ?!/

/ yn: would you sell me something?/

/Abby: what?/

/yn : J0int? /

/ Abby : ok /

/yn : in half an hour in the city?/

/Abby : in half an hour in the city. /

yn - I wiped my tears, put on my shoes and went to the city where Abby and I were supposed to meet

Abby - hi

yn - hello

Abby - why do you even want that?

yn - it's none of your business

Abby - ok, take it easy, here you go - she handed me the j0int and I gave her the money - be careful

yn - ok, thank you, bye

Abby - Bye

yn - I went home, I was very careful that Jenna didn't see me, after all, I didn't want to see her with that girl, finally home, I took a lighter and lit a j0int, I felt good, all the problems disappeared, except that I could see a few unusual things and then I don't remember anything

Jenna pov :

Jenna - who's calling me? Yn? - I picked up the phone

Jenna - yes?

Yn - come catch kites with me

Jenna - what the hell?

Yn - not you actually, I loved you and you betrayed me

Jenna - what? Are you drunk AGAIN?

Yn - no

Jenna - where are you?

Yn - I'm not

Jenna - what did I do?

Yn - you know

Jenna - I don't know

Yn - I have no one else so come catch dragons with me

Jenna - ok I'll go just tell me where you are

Yn - at home

Jenna - ok I'm going - I hung up

• I hope you liked this episode, just take into account that I don't know if there are legal drugs in your country, I don't encourage anyone to use them, and I also don't know what their effects are, so please excuse me, thank you for looking at me, love and bye•

coincidence? Yn x Jenna Ortega Where stories live. Discover now