Ep 9

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/message from yn : ho , thwre,s a lit on my , i csn't handlo ir anumorw /

Jenna - oh, she's probably not sober, it probably should have been :hi, there's a lot on me, I can't handle it anymore, fuck it, yn yn what should I do with you now

/Jenna: where are you?! /
              /yn ?!/
              /WHERE ARE YOU?/
Jenna - I quickly filmed the last scene and saw if she wrote me back

/yn - noi/

Jenna - fuck it, wait, I have an idea - I went to the application on the iPhone where I can find her
phone - where the fuck is it? Never mind, I have to go quickly to her

~ a few minutes later ~

Jenna - I came to a relaxed place where yn was sitting on the ground with an empty alcohol bottle - I ran to her - yn?! What are you doing ?!

yn - nothing

Jenna - oh my god you are so drunk what happened?

yn - nothing

Jenna - ok hhh what about you now? Come ask - I tried to pick her up

yn - leave me here

Jenna - yuck! Do it, come on

yn - I'm not going anywhere

Jenna - but you're going - after a while I managed to get off the ground and we walked towards our street - on the way I tried to get the reason why she was drinking - yn?

yn - what is it?

Jenna - why did you drink?

yn - I didn't drink - as soon as she finished she slipped out of my hands and fell to the ground

Jenna - yn?! - I know it's not appropriate but I started laughing because the way she fell, it was funny

yn - what's funny? - she said and lay down

Jenna - don't lie down, I'll pick you up again for half an hour

yn - let me die here in peace

Jenna - yn - ou this is not good

yn - well what else do you want?

Jenna - hey - I sat next to her - I don't know why you got drunk, I know you had a reason for it and I know you won't tell me now, now come with me to my place, I'll give you what you want, just come

yn - do you have booze there?

Jenna - no, come on

yn - hhh

Jenna - quickly - after a few minutes we finally went to our street, she fell a few more times on the way but nothing happened to her, we came to my caravan and there I sat her on a chair, I took a bucket because I knew she would be sick and I also she went to get a glass of water, when I came I saw that she had fallen off the chair, I started laughing again but I quickly went to her to make sure that nothing happened to her - hey, get up, you'd better sit on the bed - she sat on the bed (or at least she tried to)

yn - I'm sick

Jenna - here you are - I handed her the bucket where she vomited - here you have water, drink it

yn - ok - she drank water

Jenna - let's go

yn - but i love you

Jenna - you're drunk you don't know what you're talking about

yn - I know

Jenna - please you won't even remember it tomorrow, come on - we went to her house - yn! Most importantly, your parents are sleeping quietly

coincidence? Yn x Jenna Ortega Where stories live. Discover now