Ep 4

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yn - when I just got a message

/Jenna Ortega: come out/

/yn : ok/

yn - I didn't know what she wanted, but she wiped her tears, put on her shoes and left, after all, it's not the first time I went out at night and they didn't know, I opened the door and quietly closed it, we saw her standing and I went straight after her when she had open arms for a hug and I hugged her

Jenna - hi - she hugged me back - I know, I know, not that I've experienced it but I know someone like that

yn - with tears in my eyes and confused I looked at her - how do you know?

Jenna - I heard them

yn - I'm sorry, I'm sorry

Jenna - you have nothing to apologize for - hugged me

yn - I have - I hugged her back and they don't realize that tears started to flow from my eyes

Jenna - sssh, it's going to be fine - she tried to calm me down, it's true that I felt better in her hug - notak, come here - she looked at me and wiped my tears - come on, let's go for a walk - she took my hand and off we went we take a walk - one more thing, show your hands

yn - what? why?

Jenna - show

yn - ok - I said hesitantly and gave her my hands, she rolled up my sleeves, looked and gave the fabric back

Jenna - okay, that's good - hugged me and I hugged her back

yn - why?

Jenna - do you know how you accepted my request? let's say I skimmed your entire profile and saw some videos about self-harm

yn - sorry, I feel bad that you know, it's me -

Jenna - don't worry, I'm glad to know that, and I told you that you don't have to worry about me using anything from that account against you or anything

yn - thank you - I hugged her again, I only knew her for a few hours but I loved her and I love how caring she is

Jenna - ok, let's go, mainly calm down, don't you want to do something, well, do something, don't you?

yn - no, don't worry, if you're here, I wouldn't do it

Jenna - well, I'm glad - we were walking through the night streets of our city looking at the beautiful night sky and we were talking - hey, it's really late and I think you should go to sleep, they won't wake up, don't worry, but you have to get up early tomorrow

yn - good

Jenna - should I walk you in?

yn - please

Jenna - good

•thank you for reading, sorry it's a bit sad but I hope you don't mind•

coincidence? Yn x Jenna Ortega Where stories live. Discover now