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~ two days later ~

Yn pov :

Yn - I just got released from the hospital and Jenna and I are going home

Jenna - Shall we go?

Yn - let's go. - I answered and we went home, we got home

Jenna - come here - called to me from the kitchen

Yn - I go - I followed her

Jenna - sit down

Yn - no, leave me, go home in peace, I'll eat myself afterwards

Jenna - no one like that, come on - I followed her who was sitting on a chair in the kitchen

Yn - phew - I breathed out

Jenna - sit down - pointed to her lap

Yn - seriously? I'm not a child - I said and laughed and sat on her lap

Jenna - you're such a baby of mine - she laughed

Yn - after all, you are smaller than me

Jenna - Hey, but I'm older

Yn - well calm down

Jenna - let's go eat, I won't force you if you don't want to, but you have to eat something

Yn - well - I tried to eat it, after a few tries I managed to swallow the first bite - it's impossible, my stomach is terribly tight

Jenna - mainly calm down, you have time, I'll wait as long as I have to

Yn - good - I said and managed to eat a few more bites - I really can't anymore

Jenna - ok you don't have to - Jenna put the dishes down and came back to me - you did it, I'm proud of you - she said and gave me a kiss on the cheek

Yn - shall we go for a walk?

Jenna - sure - she said and we walked out

•I hope you enjoyed this episode and I'm terribly sorry that I haven't posted anything in a long time but I'm tired of it 🤷🏻‍♀️•

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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coincidence? Yn x Jenna Ortega Where stories live. Discover now