Ep 11

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~ a few days later ~

yn pov:

yn - I woke up and looked at my cell phone where there was a message from Jenna

/Jenna: do you have time today?/

/yn : yes, why?/

/Jenna: Shall we go to lunch?/

/yn: ok, now I'm awake so give me some time to get ready and we'll go/

/Jenna: so good morning😂/

/yn : stfu , I'll be down in a minute 😂🫶🏻/

/Jenna: ok/

yn - I'm going to get ready - I went to the bathroom, got ready, got dressed and sent her a message

/yn : I'm going/

/Jenna: ok/

yn - I sent Jenna a message and went outside to see her - hi - I said and I hugged her when I saw her

Jenna - hi, let's go

yn - yes - we walked towards the restaurant and talked on the way

Jenna - so what did you do after your brilliant idea to get drunk?

yn - how long will you keep reminding me?

Jenna - ok sorry

yn - fine, I practically slept through the last few days

Jenna - even though I wrote to you, otherwise you would have slept by now, Sleeping Beauty
- she said and laughed

yn - true - I also laughed, we arrived at the restaurant where we ordered food and talked a lot, when we finished eating I paid and we went home where we also talked on the way

Jenna - when are your parents ever coming back?

yn - I don't know, probably in less than a month

Jenna - that's quite a long time

yn - I'm actually quite happy that I won't see them for so long

Jenna - I understand you

yn - hm - we were already in our street

Jenna - thanks for today

yn - me too

• I hope you liked this episode, it was so uninteresting but the next episode will be very interesting and I believe you will like episode 13 and 14, or at least I hope so 😂🫶🏻•

coincidence? Yn x Jenna Ortega Where stories live. Discover now