Ep 22

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/Melissa : yes? What's going on/

/ Yn : I need help/

/Melissa: with what?/

/Yn : it's Jenna../

/Melissa: ok, but I have time until this evening when I finish, if you don't mind/

/Yn: ok, evening, just please, Jenna doesn't have to know about it/

/Melissa : good/

Yn - now just wait,oh

~ a few hours later ~

/message from Melissa : I have time /

/Yn: I'm fine/

Yn - I walked towards Melissa's caravan and after a while I saw her - hello

Melissa - hello, go for a walk so she doesn't see us

Yn - ok - we went for a walk

Melissa - what did you need?

Yn - how can I say it, well I'll tell you from the beginning, yesterday when I took Jenna away I stayed there to sleep, but today I was supposed to go out with my best friend, so we went to lunch and when I came home it was at my place Jenna was in the living room, I found out that I had 87 missed calls from her because I had the ringer off, I apologized to her but she seemed angry, we were supposed to go out tomorrow and she suddenly said she didn't know if she could, she didn't hug me or just say anything hello and she left..

Melissa - wait, 87 missed calls?!!

Yn - yes ..

Melissa - oh, that alone is bad, honestly

Yn - but I apologized

Melissa - I know, I know, and does Jenna know Mia?

Yn - I was talking about her

Melissa - and you really only had lunch with her, nothing more

Yn - of course it was just lunch!

Melissa - ok, calm down, hhh, it doesn't seem like it, but Jenna is also quite jealous, probably just like you

Yn - seriously?

Melissa - yes

Yn - what should I do now? Please

Melissa - I can tell you something, just don't tell Jenna

Yn - yes?

Melissa - she was talking to me and saying something to the effect that you don't tell her you like her and so on, she needs more attention

Yn - I know, I love her, but I just can't do it, I've been like that since childhood, my parents never told me much, I know it sounds like an excuse but

Melissa - I'm sorry - she hugged me - take it this way, you want to be better than your parents, so try to give more love than them, I know it's hard but if you really love her, at least try

Yn - well, I'll try, maybe I have an idea, hey, when does he get up tomorrow?

Melissa - I don't know, but she has the day off tomorrow, so it probably won't be soon

Yn - ok, thank you

Melissa - well, I have to go now, write how it turned out

Yn - ok and again thank you very much for your help

Melissa - glad it happened, so hello

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coincidence? Yn x Jenna Ortega Where stories live. Discover now