10 Years Later

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"See, Y/n, he's doing it AGAIN," Raven sighed next to you as she slumped further in her chair. By "it" she meant that Charles was using his infamous chat up line about mutation to catch the attention of the lady at the bar. You slowly sipped your cola and observed and admired his confidence. "This doesn't bother you? Everything bothers you?!" She elaborated sulkily.

"Not everything bothers me, Raven! And Charles is allowed to talk to other people, you know?" You continued to watch him and began tapping your fingers against the table. Raven sighed and got up from her chair before marching over to where Charles stood. There was no stopping her now so you didn't bother. You instead watched the shadow of you cola glass and decided to make it dance. You moved your finger around and the shadow obeyed your command, moving back and forth. The beauty of it is that if anyone saw, they would blame the dodgy swinging light above you. You enjoyed silly little things like this, and giggled lightly to yourself as the shadow continued to perform before you were broke out of it by Charles' call.

"Y/n! We're leaving," he approached you and took your coat from the back of your chair as you stood. He placed an arm around your shoulder and ushered you out the door where you met Raven. They were both walking particularly fast for your liking.

"Wait, what's going on? What's the rush?" You stopped and broke out from Charles' grip before turning to face the two who exchanged a glance before Charles replaced his hand on your shoulder.

"I'm sorry, but someone decided to show off her powers without thinking!" He glared at Raven. It was now that you were stood still that you felt the bitter cold of the night and brought your hands to your arms. Charles was in such a rush to leave that he forgot he had taken your coat. "Oh, sorry!" He apologised as he gently placed your arms through the sleeves.

"It's ok, but can we take it a bit slower now?" Charles chuckled lightly and took your hand.

"Of course," he playfully swung your arm up and down as you walked. Although you were a teenager, like before, small childish things like this made you happy, and he and Raven both knew it. They made extra effort with you after they found out about your diagnosis. Raven had stolen the diagnosis papers along with other documents about you when she saved you from your parents, and gave them to Charles once she had realised what they were. From then on, they were extra careful and considerate of you when making any decision. You liked that they cared this much for you, but sometimes it made you feel like a burden.

As soon as you got home, Charles removed your coat, hung it up, then walked into the lounge which doubled as his office. You stood in the doorway as he immediately sat at his desk and began writing. Raven had gone upstairs and returned in a dressing gown in her natural blue form. She walked past you and through the lounge to the bathroom at the side. Sometimes when the other two were occupied, you didn't know what to do with yourself. So you decided to enter the room and pace in front of the bookcase, running your finger along the spines as you did so. The feeling was satisfying. You continued this motion over and over and soon closed your eyes as you did so before your little trance was broken by Raven.

"Hey, y/n, can you stop that? The noise is driving me crazy!" You quickly took your finger off the bookcase and shoved both you hands in your pockets. You looked down in shame.

"Sorry, Raven,"

"Isn't there something else you could do? Instead of making noises and annoying everyone?" You didn't speak and continued to stare at the floor. You didn't mean to upset anyone, you just liked the feeling.

"Raven, you don't have to put it so bluntly!" Charles butted in. You swore his profession aside from his genetic research was defending you. "They weren't trying to be annoying," you lifted your head up slightly and made eye contact with him. You shared a grin before you broke the contact. Still looking at him, just not in the eyes. "Here!" He stood up and began looking for something. "I've got something you can do! Just bear with me," you wandered over to his desk and he came over to you with a small pencil pot. He sat back in his chair and placed the pot in front of his desk lamp. He stood up again and dragged a small stool to next to his chair. The squeak as he dragged it made you cover your ears for a second.

"What are you doing?" You asked. He tapped the stool, gesturing for you to sit down. You obeyed and stared at the pencil pot.

"Move the shadow," he said gently.

"That's all?" You asked. Charles was always going on about challenging yourself, and doing things that you struggle to do. So it was strange that now he wanted you to complete such a basic task. You did as he asked and moved the shadow around, finding the task too easy. But you soon thought of another idea. "Watch this," you said with a grin as you pulled the shadow away from the pot and threw it up to the ceiling. Once stuck you changed the shape many times. A skill you had practised alone in your room.

"Amazing, y/n!" Charles chuckled.

"Just wait," You said as you pulled other nearby shadows to the ceiling and attempted to replicate the solar system above you. Raven leant out from the bathroom and watched in awe.

"Ok, that's pretty cool!" She said.

"You should be proud of yourself," Charles said as you returned the shadows to their places. He ruffled your hair gently before you heard Raven groan from the bathroom.

"Mutant and proud!" She mimicked. Charles rolled his eyes and you looked at him confused. He shook his head.

"Ignore her," he whispered.

"Mutant and proud?!" She repeated, louder this time. Her increased volume told you that she was angry. Which then explained Charles trying to take you away from the upcoming confrontation.

"It's getting late, y/n, why don't you go put your pyjamas on?" He said with a forced smile.

"Ok!" You said and you ran upstairs to change. You heard a muffled argument through the door once you had changed and hesitated to go downstairs. You only braved opening the door when the speech had quietened down. You went downstairs to see Raven laying on Charles' side as he read out his thesis. You went over and joined them, curled up at Charles' other side with your head on his chest. You listened to his heartbeat as well as his reading before slowly falling asleep.

Extraordinary Mutant (X-Men x autistic reader)Where stories live. Discover now