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You were already awake and dressed when Charles came to wake you up. Not that that was particularly a surprise. You now stood outside of the lab with everyone else.

"Bring the box marked 'X'" was commanded by the note left by Hank. He wasn't with you and None of you knew why. Not that you cared. Charles took the note and opened the doors. He suddenly froze as you all saw the mess.

"What the hell happened here?" Erik asked. Charles proceeded to wade through the mess and you followed behind. Tripping and stumbling over all the upturned and broken tables and chairs and lab equipment trying to keep up with Charles. Who seemed to sail through the mess almost effortlessly. He made his way to the crate at the back and opened it up. You quickly caught up and leaned over to see yellow and blue flight suits. Banshee had one specially designed with wings. Alex had one designed with his chest plate to control his ability. Raven had one that was adapted for a female build. Charles and Erik's suits were the same, except Charles had a yellow collar and Erik had a black collar.

"Do we really have to wear these?" Alex asked irritably.

"Well unless any of us are adapted to being riddled by bullets or withstand extreme g-force I suggest we suit up!" Charles responded and you both began to hand out the suits.

As soon as you touched the first suit you practically froze. You tensed up as you turned to face Alex and handed his suit over. You frantically rubbed your hands against your current clothes to get rid of the feeling. You turned back and braced yourself to touch the next one when you noticed Charles checking the feeling of his own. He pulled a strange face and turned to you.

"Bad texture," you told him. Once everyone else has grabbed their suits, you saw yours in the bottom. You glanced at Charles worriedly then braced yourself to pick it up. But your worries were soon out the window when you touched it. "Bloody hell, Hank," You muttered to yourself as you lifted it up to admire it. He had made it with a cotton layer so you were comfortable. Your suit was the smallest and had a blue collar. Charles had told Hank how you had adapted your power with the use of torches so your suit had two torch light pads that sat in your palms to assist you. There was also a separate pair of ear defenders, they looked much more sturdy and effective then the ones you currently owned. They were black and the metal that connected the ear pieces to the headband was much thicker than your ones. You took them gladly and tried them on with a grin.

"That's a relief," Erik stated. "Why don't you go suit up," he sent you off with a gentle pat on the shoulder and you went back to your bedroom.

You now stood in a line, admiring the fighter plane in front of you. Charles, you, Banshee, Alex, Erik and Raven.

"Where's Hank?" Raven asked, breaking the silence. Everyone looked at each other confused. You stared at the floor.

"I'm here," you heard suddenly. You shot your head up and almost flinched when you saw the huge, blue, furry figure that approached you.

"Hank?" Charles interrogated.

"It didn't attack the cells..." he began sadly. "It enhanced them... it didn't work..." so this was caused by that "cure"?! You grinned slightly to yourself and thought that it was justice served. God knows what would've happened if he injected your sister with that.

"Yes it did, Hank!" Raven assured. But this made no sense. Raven has just claimed that the serum worked although it failed to fulfil its basic purpose. You spaced out for a moment to think about this. But you were suddenly snapped out of it by Charles' panicked voice.

"Hank! Hank put him down!" You quickly turned to see Hank holding Erik by the throat.

"Don't mock me!" Hank told Erik. Charles' pleas were ignored. You hated to see your friend hurt.

Extraordinary Mutant (X-Men x autistic reader)Where stories live. Discover now