The Mutant Devision

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You stood in a row, you, Charles, Erik and Raven admiring the model plane above you.

"You should see it in real life," a voice states as you watch a young man enter the room. He was quite skinny but tall, and he wore glasses. He was introduced to you four as Hank McCoy, and after a brief awkward outing, it was revealed that he was too a mutant. His mutation was that he had fingers for toes and he showed off a little by hanging upside down from the model plane.

Later that day, you sat and watched as Raven and Hank sat together talking. You weren't trying to eavesdrop, you were just bored.

"Hank, this cure... it won't affect our abilities right? Just appearance?" Raven asked. You knew that Raven was struggling with her appearance... but you didn't think she was going to try and change. This concerned and confused you. Why would anyone want to change their appearance? In your eyes, Raven was beautiful no matter what form she was in. So you didn't want her to change. You were soon startled from your train of thought by a deep voice behind you.

"Shame isn't it?" You flinched and turned around to see Erik stood behind you. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you,"

"What did you mean when you said 'shame isn't it?'"

"I meant that it's a shame that she wants to change herself in order to fit in," you turned back towards Raven.

"I agree,"

"And it seems that Hank is encouraging her," realisation hit you like a bullet. It was Hank. He was the one trying to get her blood to make this so called 'cure'. You began hitting the balls of your hands together.

"Yes," you glanced between Erik and Raven as you allowed your newfound realisation to sink in. "I don't want her to change," you told him.

"Oh, I can see that," he said, glancing towards your stimming. You felt embarrassed and forced your hands down. "You don't have to stop, I know you need to do that," Charles must have spoken to him. Erik crouched to your level. "I just meant that by you doing that, I could tell how much this means to you,"

"Yes," you started stimming again and felt more comfortable knowing that Erik didn't care.

"Now if you'll excuse me..." he said, standing back up. "I have something important to do," he walked away from you and towards Raven and Hank. You saw them talk briefly before he walked away again. As you saw Hank take the blood from Raven. You decided that you didn't like him. But you liked Erik. A lot.

"I call it 'Cerebro'," Hank proudly stated as he led you all into his contraption. It was designed to turn Charles almost into a social network. He would be able to connect to every mind around the world, rather than the minds he was near to. You thought this was exciting and allowed yourself to happy stim as you admired the machine. Charles stepped inside the machine and placed the helmet on his head. The plan? Gather mutants to fight against Shaw.

"Wow! That looks so cool!" You exclaimed as you stepped closer to him. Erik came behind you.

"What an adorable lab rat you make, Charles,"

"Don't spoil this for me, Erik," Charles quickly snapped back.

"Yeah, well, I've been a lab rat, I know one when I see one!" Erik grinned and nudged your shoulder. You glanced between him and Charles, confused.

"He's teasing, Y/n," Charles explained. Erik laughed softly as he stepped back and gently pulled you back with him. After your mental debate about Hank, you weren't sure if you could trust him.

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