Routine Disruption

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You walked out of the university with a large grin and your arms linked with Charles and Raven.

"So, how does it feel to be a professor?" Raven teased.

"Professor Charles Xavier!" You said, unlinking your arm from Raven to emphasise each word in front of you. "It has a nice ring to it!" You let out a happy stim before re-linking your arm to Raven. Charles chuckled to himself.

"Don't say that, you don't get to be called a professor until you actually have a teaching position," he sighed. "Do say, 'let's go have a drink'," he teased.

"Let's go have a drink," you and Raven repeated in unison.

You stood further back from the crowd as they cheered Charles on. He was taking on the classic local challenge of the yard's ale and had drawn in quite the crowd. You kept your hands over your ears but continued to cheer as he finished the last drop. He let out a loud cheer and admired the empty glass before stepping down to meet Raven. They embraced and walked towards you. You let go of your ears and ran into Charles, squeezing him tightly and stimming by wriggling your fingers.

"I'm so proud of you! I'm so proud of you! I'm so proud of you!" You repeated. Muffled as your face was buried in his chest.

"Thank you, y/n!" He giggled. "I need another drink, and you two, need another cola!" He strutted over to the bar and you sat down with Raven. You were so happy you couldn't sit still. Raven only tolerated you moving so much. So you decided to stand up and wander towards the outdoors. It didn't bother the other two, you did this a lot.

"Just be careful!" Raven called as you walked away from her. As you made for the door, you glanced at Charles who had sat down with a woman you had never seen before. He was reading her mind by subtly placing two fingers to his temple while leaning on his hand. You heard him say,

"Something tells me you already know the answer to your question,"

'What did he mean by that?' You wondered as you continued to watch them. But little did you know, that short conversation would completely change your life.

You sat in an office as Charles gave a presentation on mutants. Exchanging bored glances with Raven and struggling to be still. You tried paying attention, but all you could think of was everything in the room. It was a new area so you had to analyse it.

Charles finished presenting and sat in the empty chair next to you. One of the men at the end of the table began to speak to the woman who Charles met in the bar. Her name was Moira McTaggart.

"So you think that me listening to some crackpot scientist is gonna make me believe in sparkly dames and disappearing men?" He proceeded to threaten to demote her and tried to end the meeting. Rendering your whole visit pointless.

"Please, sit down," Charles asked. "I didn't really expect you to believe me," his voice appeared to have the playful tone he used a lot with you. But why? "Given that all you could think about during my presentation was what sort of pie they're serving in the cafeteria," that makes sense. He's trying to prove what he is. The agents knocked him down and believed he was a spy. The entire room erupted and you flinched and had to cover you ears. Your foot began to tap from anxiety. You felt a reassuring hand on your shoulder before the room fell silent. You slowly took your hands away and looked up. Raven had stood and showed off her natural blue form. "How's that for a magic trick?" Charles taunted. The agents eyes then fell on you.

"What about them?" The main agent at the end of the table asked. "Are they one of them too?" You slowly brought your hand out and opened your palm. You created a beam of light and watched them fall even further dumbfounded. You exchanged a glance with Charles who smiled and reassured you.

Now here you were, stood on a US Coastguard boat with Raven, Moira and Charles. You were the only one wearing ear defenders. The four of you watched as a yacht came into view. From the brief information you had been given, the CIA were interested in a man called Sebastian Shaw who was allegedly on said yacht. Charles was using his power to locate Shaw, but after a few minutes he gasped.

"I've lost Shaw..." he stated. "I've lost Shaw! There's something blocking me!" He explained that there was another telepath keeping him out. Moira tried to usher you inside the ship after Charles was rendered useless. But you were stopped halfway down by Charles pausing and letting out a small cry of pain.

"Charles?!" You pushed past to get to him. He glanced at you then made eye contact with Moira.

"There's someone else out there," he turned and ran back on to the deck. You followed close behind. You watched as an anchor was lifted out of the water and struck through the yacht. "Oh my god!" Charles exclaimed as you watched the chaos unfold. The sounds made you flinch and grab on to Charles' sleeve. The anchor dropped and you all saw a submarine. That's where Shaw was. But behind the submarine was a man, he seemed to be trying to stop it. Was he a mutant too? Charles began to call out to him. "Let him go!" The man clearly wasn't listening and looked as if he was going to drown. Charles ran towards the edge of the deck in a moment and you ran after him.

"What are you doing?!" You yelled. You could feel the anxiety rising in your stomach, making its way to your throat.

"Someone's got to help him! Stay there!" He called back before he pulled off his coat and jumped off the edge. You took a step back in fright and began to hit the ball of one of your hands against your head. Raven came towards you and grabbed your wrist to stop you. You pulled out of her grasp as you heard a call. "We're here!"

"Charles!" You ran to the edge and created a beam of light from your palm. Making it as bright as possible to find your brother. You could see the silhouettes of him and the other man. "I've found them!" Some coastguard people grabbed two life rings and used them to help the two men back on deck. You barely gave Charles a chance to stand before throwing yourself into him.

"I'm sorry I scared you, but he needed help," he felt so cold under your skin. The texture of wet clothes bothered you profoundly so you let him go and repeatedly rubbed your arms on your dry clothes. Your attention was then turned to the other man who Charles rescued. You gazed at him for a while, analysing his features. Charles followed your gaze towards him. "Y/n, this is Erik," he said, gesturing towards him. Erik looked up at you both. "Erik, this is my sibling, Y/n,"

"Pleasure," he muttered with a small smile. You reciprocated the gesture. He seemed nice.

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