Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


"Say again. I don't think I heard you right the first time and I don't like repeating myself. I want a clear answer from you because you're not hiding the fact that you seem to know exactly what I am asking you. Who is this boy Jameel, and where is he?" Farooq stood mere inches away from the quaking servant who was kneeling with his forehead touching the ground, prostrate at my brother's feet.

"I was sworn to secrecy by my Master..."

"Fuck this shit!" I hollered as I shoved the desk out of the way and grabbed the sniveling little snake up off the floor and slammed him against the wall hard enough to rattle the pictures. "That old bastard is dead and long gone, and I'm sure the tyrant is currently rotting in his grave. Your sworn pledge to keep his secrets and whatever else he was up to died right along with him. So, if you don't want to be lying next to your beloved Master within the next few hours you will tell us what we need to know."

The man's face was almost purple and he just gaped at me in shock for a minute before his expression settled into one of defeated resignation. "He is above stairs locked...In...In Master's private room." The man whispered brokenly and his slight body went completely limp in my grasp and I released him. He dropped to his knees in front of me his head bowed in shame.

A feeling of dread settled over me and I spun on my heel and stalked across the room to get away from this revolting man. Locked in the old man's room, what the Hell? The mental picture of what of what his statement conjured had my gut boiling with barely contained rage. It better not be what I think it is, there is no way that the old man would do something like that.

Grandfather had to have been one of the biggest homophobes on this side of the Kingdom's hemisphere. Why would he be keeping a young boy or I should say young man locked up in his private bedroom? Why didn't anyone other than his servant know about him? How long has he been locked up there? Those questions kept rolling around in my head and I needed answers to all of them right this minute.

"Get up off the floor. You may have been required to bow down and treat our grandfather like he was some exalted higher being or something, but trust me he was not. You are not fooling us with your barely contained contempt towards us either, so in truth, you're insulting us kneeling there as you are. Now go upstairs and bring this young man to us." I said evenly as I attempted to calm down.

Farooq was now leaning against the desk with his muscular arms crossed over his wide chest. My brother raised an eyebrow when the man began fidgeting. Other than his nervous movements, the servant didn't make any other attempt to get up from where he was.

Farooq pushed himself up to his full height once again and his expression was fierce. "Did you not hear what my brother said man, you are severely trying my patience." He snapped and the man cowered away from us even more.

"Sorry Master El-Sayed, but I...Um...I can't bring the young man to you. He is restrained." His stated so quietly that I had to lean closer to the repugnant man in order to hear what he said, and hear him I did. 

Another blast of fury shot through my bloodstream and before I could take the steps necessary to wring the fucker's neck, Farooq growled and yanked the man from the floor by his upper arm. "Take us to him." He demanded and shoved the man towards the door.

The terrified worker peeked over his shoulder at us and quickly scurried out of the room. We were right on his heels as he carried us down the hall and up the ornate staircase. Our steps echoed throughout the empty house as we made our way upstairs. The house man's eyes kept flicking nervously back to us as he continued to lead the journey down yet another hallway.

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