Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


I've never had a problem with a getting a handsome man out of his clothes before today, but with Jameel, it was taking an Herculean effort just to get his delectable little body out of his robes and into a bathing suit. I was currently leaning against the pool house bathroom door trying to coax the little beauty out of the restroom. I had found one of Hamid's board shorts for him. It may be a little long for him, but with the drawstring waist, it should be a perfect fit for his slender waistline.

I know he's anxious about his appearance,specifically the scar tissue in certain places on his body. The evidence of his time spent in the clutches of the man I called grandfather, that sick bastard. I hope he's reaping the same torture he had bestowed upon Jameel while his soul is burns in Hell.

Despite all the things he had to endure, Jameel remained modest and he's very shy by nature. I acknowledge the fact that just the thought of being overly exposed in front of my siblings and I, would make him nervous even if I've already seen him naked when he first arrived to our home and I helped him bathe before he played in the tub.

I've seen how much he enjoys taking long luxurious bubble baths in the sunken tub, so I'm sure the pool will send him into fits of euphoria. If only he'll give it a chance. I wouldn't care if he wore his robes and his veil to go into the water, as long as he got in, I'd be fine. I've seen most of his scars, but according to Yasmin, the ones I saw were just the superficial ones. Jameel had many more that made her cringe at the pain he must have endured until the healed. His marks did not matter to me, Jameel could have scars covering his entire body, but I would still see him as the prettiest thing I've ever laid my eyes on.

Leaning a little closer to the closed door, I tried again to get him to come out. "I understand your concerns little one, but please come out so you can experience swimming in the pool. It's like playing in a gigantic sunken bathtub. I don't know if you've ever had the chance to

swim or play in an inground swimming pool and I want to share the fun with you. You can even borrow one of my shirts if it makes you feel more secure." There was complete silence from behind the panel.

I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose in defeat, the poor thing. I can't force him out of his comfort zone. "It's alright Jameel, if you would rather sit and be comfortable in your own clothes and watch us instead that's fine. I don't want you to feel pressured. I want you to be at ease around us."

There was still absolute silence behind the door and I haven't a clue what to do or what to say next. Then the wooden panel opened and a slender hand peeked through the miniscule gap. "You promised your shirt." His sweet little voice whispered and I damn near fell over my feet in my haste to go grab a plain t-shirt from the closet for him.

I hurried back to the door and I placed one of my shirts in his hand and just as quickly as his dainty hand had appeared, it disappeared again. After waiting a few more moments, the door once again opened, but this time the space was little wider and my timid little beauty poked his head out instead of his arm this time.

God, he's is so damned adorable, I had to suck my lips in between my teeth and bite them to keep myself from smiling like the village idiot at his wide eyed but cautious expression. Jameel's curls had flopped over his forehead and he scanned the room before he took a tentative step out of the bathroom, and oh my heaven above, it took all that I had to keep my hands to myself when all I wanted to do was scoop him up and snuggle him close.

My shirt hung almost to his knees, and Jameel was so small in stature, the neckline hung off one creamy shoulder and my cock perked right up in appreciation of the view. My hands flew to the front of my body, and I clasped them over my growing crotch. No way was I going to pop an erection in front of him and make him feel uncomfortable, or heaven forbid unsafe. I silently groaned in my head and willed my shaft to shrink. This is going to be a long afternoon for me and my will power, especially if he gets wet. Maybe swimming wasn't such a good idea after all.

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