Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

(Sexy Kamal)


Gently patting the remaining moisture from my skin with the warm, ultra soft bath blanket I pulled from the heating rack next to the massive bathtub that's like heaven to bathe in, I let a contented smile curve my lips. A sudden thought had me swallowing a giggle as I recalled Kamal teasing words about me washing the skin right off my body with the amount of baths I take during the day.

His jests didn't bother me in the slightest, because I knew he understood the underlying reasons why I liked to indulge in taking long, soothing bubble filled baths in the mini swimming pool he called a tub situated in the middle of his bathroom perched high up in the sky. I can relax while soaking in the scented water and look down in the city below from of his extravagant condominium.

Walking over to the wall of mirrors perched over the double sinks and marble countertops, I picked up the hair brush and ran it through the length of my damp hair. I wondered once again if maybe I should cut it a little shorter. Nassim had cut it for me back in Riyadh when I'd first arrived at the El-Sayed's home.

The thick, long dark brown almost black waves now reached my shoulder blades and the front flopped down over my eyes whenever I didn't wear a headband or tie it back. I'd mentioned cutting it all off to Kamal recently, but he'd frowned at me and shook his head. He responded by telling me that long hair suited my face better and he liked it the way it was. Upon hearing that, I'd happily refrained from cutting it ever since.

Now, I may not have a choice, other than maybe cutting a little from the front to keep the hair out of my face. I rubbed a little styling product in my hands like Kamal taught me, and ran my fingers through my hair. I was going to wear it down this evening with a headband to keep my overlong bangs from blinding me. Kamal's brothers were visiting and they decided to stay in tonight and order dinner instead of going to one of those trendy restaurants surrounding Kamal's home.

Regret and guilt had almost choked me up when Kamal had mentioned their plans earlier in the week. He'd been quick to reassure me that their decision to stay in tonight had nothing to do with me and my ever present fear of the unfamiliar. He was adamant it was better to stay home where is brother's were concerned because they all usually tended to compete against each other with everything, including drinking alcohol as well as consuming large quantities of food. They always had a point to prove, just to see which one of them can out do the other. He'd shrugged his shoulders and admitted it was childish of them, but he was also unapologetic about enjoying the time spent with his siblings.

I sort of envied the El-sayed offsprings their close relationship with each other. Over the years I've often wondered about my parents. I'd prayed more than once for Allah to end my shame and somehow reunite me with them when that man brutally used my body for his own sick pleasures. In a way, I'm glad Allah had turned a deaf ear to my desperate pleas. He had other plans for me and he brought me Kamal and his rest of his loving family. At first I couldn't believe that they were related by blood to that evil man. The entire family had picked up all of my shattered pieces and attempted to put me back together again.

They had made it possible for me to begin the healing process. They have given me a new life altogether while helping me to believe that what he did to me wasn't my fault, but I still suffered from the dreams and feelings of self doubt. There were times I still felt like I couldn't get clean enough from the filth he spewed with his words and the shame he inflicted with his hands on my body.

It was still extremely hard to get hard to get over the negative emotions roiling in my gut sometimes, but I was happy to confess that the nightmares were only coming few and far in between now. I was actually able to close my eyes and sleep for an entire night without waking up in a cold sweat with my heart pounding so hard, I feared it was going to fly right out of my chest. Now my dreams were occupied mostly with all the wonderful things Kamal and I have experienced through his unwavering generosity. My mind exploded with all the colors of the rainbow as I dreamed about putting the pictures of all the wonders I've seen so far on paper.

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