Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

(My idea of what Farrah's  Wedding Dresses designs would look like) Picture courtesy of said mhamad photography.


I was supposed to be working. Fashion week in New York was set to begin in a little under three weeks, and Farrah was in rare form with her preparations for launching the new line spring wear and intimate apparel. She truly needed all hands-on- deck. I was here more for moral support to the staff and maybe even preventing them from having nervous breakdowns due to my perfectionist of a sister drill sergeant attitude and her deadline requirements. Farrah ran a tight ship on a regular day, but with it being this close to fashion week, she could put any dictator in history to shame. I had no choice but to bring Jameel into the office with me. I couldn't stand to be away from him for more than a few hours, and he'd all but begged to come along with those big brown pretty eyes, and those kissable pouty lips, He wanted to see the infamous House of El-Sayed Fashion Headquarters.

The beautiful man had researched our company, he'd even found the series of shows on the TV network featuring the week-long documentary on our exclusive wedding gown line, along with a few of the prestigious clients we've catered to when designing their one of a kind wedding dresses. He'd been thoroughly impressed during and after watching the series. Now here he was in the middle of the creating chaos, and my heart was about to burst out of my chest with pride. My shy little lamb was standing in a room of organized madness. My sister's numerous assistants, models, vendors, and support staff were swarming all over the design room floor and Jameel wasn't cowering in fear of having so many strangers surrounding him, nor was he glued to my side because of his anxiety.

He was too busy touching the imported silks in an array of colors Farrah was showing him to care. Jameel was so absorbed in the textures of the material he was holding between his long, graceful fingers, he ignored everything and everyone around him. I've discovered once he gets past his stressors, and he is comfortable, Jameel is a very tactile person. He is so innocently curious about everything. How something feels. How it works and smells depending on what it was that caught his attention. So, needless to say I'm not paying any attention to the million and one things I'm supposed doing. My entire focus was on the gorgeous creature standing by the row of draped mannequins across the room with my sister.

"Hmmm....he is a stunning little thing." A sultry voice purred beside me and I turned my head to see one of my sister's talented designers standing beside me holding a pair of fabric sheers in a manicured hand, and tapping it against his chin with his gaze focused on Jameel standing across the room.

"That he is." I replied in total agreement with Sasha's assessment of Jameel. Stunning, exotic, gorgeous, breathtakingly beautiful are only some of the words I could use to describe Jameel's mind boggling beauty.

"That young man would look fabulous draped in anything from our upcoming spring collection. I want him in my designs. Farrah, Farrah darling..." Sasha called out to my sister as he took off at a hurried pace in her direction before I could even utter a single word.

Dumbfounded, I stood there and contemplated what Sasha said while watching the eccentric designer wave his hands in front of a wide eyed Jameel with my sister nodding her head to whatever the man was going on about. I shook myself out of my thoughts and rushed over to make sure Jameel wasn't overwhelmed by Sasha and his exuberance.

Making it to his side just in time to hear him actually squeak before taking the necessary steps to tuck his face into my chest, his dark curls brushing my chin and tickling my neck. I brought my hands up and rubbed soothing circles on his back.

"Thank you, Sasha, we'll discuss this further later on. Jameel is a little shy and I'm not sure if he will want the kind attention he will have to face walking a runway. You are correct though, it's like this year's color schemes and fabrics were made solely for him." Farrah soothed one of her top employees before sending him off to fuss over something else.

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