Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

If someone had told me a few months ago that my life would take a turn for the better, and I was going get to see more than the four walls of that horrible room in that godforsaken house. Then I would have wondered what alternate universe they had come from. I would have wondered if they were smoking more than cured tobacco in their Hookah pipe. The El-Sayed family are very special people.

The siblings are great and I feel really comfortable around all of them now. The girls have been really wonderful and patient with me. They include me in everything they are doing. The only thing I have refused to do is leave the house. Despite using the internet and reading about the outside world, and looking at the pictures of how my Kingdom has progressed over the years is a little overwhelming for me. I feel like that old man in the American fairytales I used to read about, the man who had fallen asleep one day and woke up twenty years later.

I felt like that man who had woken up old and useless to the progress of society. How was I supposed to go out and interact people on the outside. It took me forever just to assimilate to this house and the wonderful people inside of it. Well almost everyone, I'm still a little jittery around Mr. El-Sayed, he is big and strapping like his sons, but so much more dynamic in his larger than life personality, a real Alpha male. His wife was a perfect match for him. Where he had hard uncompromising edges, Mrs. El-Sayed has the softer buffered curves to round him out and compliment him. For all my cultural teachings about the man being the head of the household in both the Arabic and Islamic culture, from what I have witnessed it is true, but only to an extent.

Mrs. El-Sayed was definitely not a submissive, meek member of the household. Her husband, children, and staff treated her like the queen she is, and they all deferred to her wishes. It's funny sometimes to watch, especially the lengths Mr. El-Sayed goes to make sure his wife his happy. Whether it's disappearing into his library to hide from her wrath or using his kids as buffers to sneak his treats and trying his best not to attract her attention. He often times had to

step in and reprimand his rambunctious children when they were little kids. They acted like it most of the time, but it was all in good fun and their bond is unmistakable.

Sighing, I spun myself in circles in the desk chair in front of my own personal laptop. I now had a computer desk in my room and every other comfort I could possibly imagine. My favorite was still the humongous bathtub and now the pool, although it still scared me to go into the deep end. Yasmin has been teaching me how to keep my head above water. Kamal had forbidden Hamid and Farooq from trying to teach me how to swim. He felt they would drown me in the process of trying to outdo each other.

Kamal had taken it upon himself like so many other things concerning me to teach me how to swim when he wasn't tied up with his side of the business he managed with Fatima. Although, I would never admit it out loud, my feelings about him were conflicting with each other. On one side of the coin, I'm so grateful and so thankful that Allah finally decided to bless me by bringing this man into my life. He was like one of those fabled Christian guardian angels. I felt absolutely safe when he was around, no matter the situation.

Through his constant and unwavering spirit, he has repeatisciously instilled within me that fact that I am a person worthy of Allah's grace. He has all but shook the knowledge into my brain that I am not a wicked, evil creature that is designated to be punished for inspiring lust within another man. I remember feeling so hot and flushed in the face when he'd softly whispered in my ear that being able to do that was in fact a good thing.

Over the last couple of days, Kamal and Yasmin have both approached me and they have been slowly talking to me about my time spent with their grandfather, they encouraged me to talk about my feelings about the entire situation. They explained that, I wasn't the one at fault in that dysfunctional relationship and they went to length to tell me that it was their grandfather's depraved mind and self loathing that was the driving force behind his abuse. They kept on until I fully understood that what the elder had done to me was and is punishable by the law if he were alive.

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