Chapter 12

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(The pool)


I pressed on the little button underneath my finger and I, "clicked," on the left hand side of the little gadget Kamal had explained to me that it's called a mouse, and I had almost choked myself I laughed so hard. Of all the things the inventors who created this awesome device could have named the little navigation instrument, they had chosen to name it after vermin. Wow, smart people are weird. The mechanical rodent was connected to a flat screen monitor, and there was also a keyboard with different letters of the alphabet printed in both the English and Arabic alphabet. The buttons on the keyboard were called keys hence the name keyboard.

I was completely fascinated by moving the mouse all over the wide screen and randomly clicking on each and every little thing icon to see what would happen. Kamal was sitting right beside me working on a portable computer he said was a laptop. Both machines had a picture of this half eaten apple on them.

The thin little folding thing he had propped on one of his thick thighs, it was gold on the outside with white keys while the one set up on the desk in front of me was all white, the keyboard and everything. Farooq had explained that the apple was the logo of the company that created and manufactured the devices. They also made other portable machine and their names all started with the lowercase letter, "i."

Everyone in this family seemed to be connected by the hip to a portable phone. They each had different phones various sizes and colors. Nasim had explained that their cellular phones were different models of the iPhone. Then Yasmin proceeded to show me another portable computer and a music player.

The flat gadget that was roughly the size of piece of paper only thicker, she said it was an iPad tablet and the music player was an iPod. It boggles my mind how all the devices seemed to connect to one another and to the user's personal account where they can be customized to that person's preferences.

I kept up my with my clicking until I found a file full of pictures. I happily sorted through them one by one looking at the smiling faces of the siblings along with their parents. They had taken pictures all over the world it seems and it was so awe inspiring look at the different places, the different way the dressed, and the different landscapes in the backgrounds. My heart fluttered that maybe one day I can leave this country and see different places and sample different foods as well.

Grinning like an idiot, I continued to click over and over again on the photos looking at the El-Sayed family's photographic documentation of years worth family trips and gatherings. Every scenario was covered, and multiple chronological images ranging from the silly pictures of the kids making faces to the sweet as can be photos of the parents cuddling with their dripping wet toddlers on huge beach towels on stunning white sandy beaches.

Then the later years as the sweet little babies grew into their teens and then adulthood and the family pictures of all the clan together on one place had become few and far in between. I wondered if they realize how precious their time spent together as a family was? I would have given anything to have both my parents and maybe a brother to play with or a sister to protect and care for. All I know is that my world came crashing down after my mom died, and Master...I had to stop myself, that man was no Master. He was a sick bastard. May Allah forgive me for speaking ill of the dead.

I wasn't expecting it, but it seems that my thoughts brought about the next circle of events. On the very next click of the mouse, a portrait picture came up on the widescreen of computer screen of Naji Shariff himself, the man who proclaimed himself as my Master while he abused me in ways no human should never have to experience. The man was walking in the photo with his thobe (robe) swirling behind him while talking to another man I didn't know.

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