Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

(Please enjoy the video of the late, great George Michael, "Father Figure.)


My brain was telling me to slow down, to stop and think about the consequences of my actions. But my heated, frustrated body was telling me to pounce and finally claim the little beauty who has been slowly driving me to insanity ever since I laid eyes on him, that fateful night in that depressing room which served as his prison. Just the mere thought of where I'd found him and the condition he'd been in slowed my determined steps, and cooled some of the heat in my blood. It didn't fully stop me from backing him up against the wall in the hallway and caging him in with my hands resting on the wall at each side of his head.

Jameel's pretty brown eyes stared wide-eyed and expectantly up at me, and damn it all to hell, I just wanted to drown myself in his gaze. I wanted to lean forward and claim those plump, pink lips for my own. I wanted to taste the sweetness of that delectable mouth, but I 'm not sure if I'll be able to stop with only stealing a kiss. I was a full blooded young man with a strong sex drive, one that I've been neglecting for months as I helped the beauty in front of me heal from a traumatic situation no one ever had a right to be placed in.

After all this time, my body still shuddered with the thought of what this beautiful man had endured under the hands of a perverted, closeted, and cruel old man. God help me, I silently prayed for strength and the wisdom not to fuck up Jameel's impressive recovery by coming on too strong, and scaring him more than he already was about being touched intimately. The last time I allowed him to explore my body I was seconds away from coming all over myself like a prepubescent boy discovering the joys of having my dick touched for the very first time.

My body had a mind of its own, I felt myself pushing forward until my chest pressed against Jameel and I reveled in absorbing his warmth of his body through my clothes. I was desperately fighting an internal battle between my brain and my cock. Jameel did help matters when he squirmed against my bulk, bringing that slender little body of his even closer to mine. His scent surrounded and intoxicated me like hit of the purest heroin.

"Do you have any idea what it is you do me?" I quietly whispered the question mere inches from his enticing lips.

He quickly shook his head, we were so close that the tip of his cute little nose brushed against mine when his head moved from side to side. I watched in total fascination as the tip of his tongue licked along his bottom lip and a groan of pure, unadulterated lust rumbled deep in my chest. I wanted to suck that sweet appendage into my mouth and suck on it until the both of us was out of breath. Only then would I release him to further explore the sweet-smelling skin along the elegant expanse of his throat.

Releasing a heartfelt sigh full of frustration and tapping down the urge to reach down and palm my over excited erection, I managed to use my hands and push myself away from the decadent temptation standing in front of me. I'd almost succeeded with getting away but Jameel's little hands fisted in my sweater and I instantly froze in place and looked down at him.

"I really think we should call it a night and go to our separate bedrooms before things get out of hand. I not ashamed to admit that I'm on edge. I want to do things that you are not yet ready for. Sexual things that you might never be ready for ever again. I would never lay a hand on you to harm you or cause you pain." Jameel opened his mouth as if he was getting ready to say something, but I shook my head at him and continued with what I had to say.

"My touch, the feeling of my hands on the most private places of your body may trigger your fears and cause a setback in your therapy and treatment. We need to step back. I need to step back, I only have so much control and I'd die before I scare you away." I earnestly explained, almost pleading with him to agree and let me go handle my business with my right hand and copious amounts of lube.

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