Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

(Jameel's bathroom, Kamal's penthouse)


Watching Jameel take in the sights as he swung his head adorably from side to side in the car was like seeing the city for the first time right along with him. I wasn't surprised at all that he'd slept almost the entire plane trip to New York. He'd stayed up the night before unable to sleep because he'd been so excited to begin his journey. Even my father couldn't help the indulgent smile that curved his lips as we all watched Jameel's total fascination with everything from the interior of the jet to the clouds in the sky. I was happy, more like ecstatic that I'm able to provide Jameel with the opportunity to travel, to see people and places he wouldn't normally be able to see.

If I was going to be totally honest with myself, Jameel's innocent reactions pissed me off as well, or I should say the reasons behind why those simple everyday things are so wondrously new to him. Things people take for granted like skyscrapers, airplanes, and other people milling about in general. Every sight, sound, and smell was completely new to him. A young man of his age, these things should be normal. Even if he lived in a nomadic village in the middle of the desert, modern day creations shouldn't come as such a surprise to him. I wasn't mad at Jameel, I was furious at the reason why Jameel even has a lack of exposure to the world to begin with. When I think I couldn't get any angrier at my grandfather, Jameel would look at me with absolute wonder in his gorgeous eyes over something as simple as a picture on a website and my fury at the old man would return with a vengeance.

It's made my whole family acutely aware of the depravity in which the young man had lived in for so long before the old tyrant did us all a favor and dropped dead. The fucking bastard, I should've had him exhumed and burned his body to ashes for his sins. But that was only affect his physical remains. I can only hope that his soul was roasting in fires of hell for all eternity or what he has done to Jameel.

By the time the car pulled up to the entrance of my apartment building, Jameel was completely knocked out. My parent's and sisters had taken separate vehicles to their own homes, so it was just Jameel and I who headed into the heart of the city and towards my penthouse apartment overlooking most of Central Park. I tried my best to gently wake up my sleeping beauty, but the excitement of his journey has finally taken it's toll on Jameel. I left the handling of the luggage to my driver, Kian and the doorman while I slid from the car and gently lifted Jameel's sleeping form into my arms and carried him inside.

Dave, the night security guard rushed ahead of me towards the elevators and pushed the button and I nodded my thanks as I swept by him. Jameel had gained some much needed weight during his stay with us so far, but even with the added pounds it was no hardship for me to carry him around. I waited for Kain to step onto the lift with our luggage and then we were on our way up to my apartment.

God, I've missed this city and everything about it. I don't mind visiting my Saudi home, but I much preferred the freedom of the westernized world. The peace of being able to be myself, the autonomy of being able to love whomever I wish to love, to do what I want to do, and to just be without the worry of offending the rules, religion, and culture immersed in the people surrounding you. For me, taking away that freedom away from me would be like sentencing me to death.

Jameel released an adorable little snuffle and he snuggled closer into my chest as the lift came to a silent halt on the top floor. I couldn't help the smile that curved my lips at the thought of sharing the less rigid, rule imposed lifestyle with Jameel. I mean, there will be judgemental people everywhere you go in life, but not the oppressive restrictions and gut wrenching fear for your very life if it ever came to light that you are a homosexual person living in a region where the culture known for being dangerously homophobic.

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