Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


My brain sluggishly revived itself, bringing me out of the most peaceful night's sleep I could ever recall having. I didn't want it to end, I was so comfortable snuggled under the heated warmth of... Wait a minute. My eyes popped open and I became aware that the pillow I thought I was resting my head on was actually moving. I blinked to clear my vision and came to realize the tip of my nose was almost touching the wide sculpted chest in front of me. The sleep warmed skin under my cheek was firm and warm. The smattering of silky chest hairs tickled the tip of my nose as I deeply inhaled Kamal's addictive unique scent.

Everything, every moment of the previous night came rushing back at me all at once. The toe-curling sensations and the liquid fire that this man had ignited in my blood. The emotional upheaval I'd experienced when he patiently, and with awe inspiring selflessness allowed me to perform the most intimate of acts on his body without any thought of expectations in return. He gave me free reign with his body, just to appease my own curiosity.

My entire body suffused with heat as I vividly recalled the way he sounded, how all that mass of muscle and heated skin felt under my fingertips, and the way he looked at me through those dark, sexy eyes. Oh my, suddenly a wave of dizziness swept over me as my blood rushed south to my cock, making it stand, and pulse with need. It took all that I had to refrain from humping against the thick thigh that was wedged almost indecently between legs.

A gentle rumble from deep within Kamal chest vibrated against my cheek and my eyes flew up to his face and I felt the hot rush of blood lighting up my cheeks when I saw those rich, dark eyes staring back at me. My thought processes vanished and I was at a total lost for what to say. Good morning didn't feel like it would be enough after what occurred between us last night. But what else was I going to say to this wonderful man.

"Sabah al khair (Good morning)." I shyly whispered into his shoulder.

Kamal had my breath hitching in my throat when he flexed the rock-hard muscles in his thigh causing a delicious friction against my already leaking shaft. "Yes, it is a good morning, isn't it?" He stated and a furious blush lit my cheeks once again. I was so out of my element, I didn't know what to do. The only thing that I knew was that I didn't want to do was move from this spot ever again for the near foreseeable future.

Swallowing the confused sigh that threatened to rush past my lips. I nuzzled my cheek against Kamal's beefy shoulder and waited for the familiar feeling of shame and disgust to wash over me, like it usually does whenever I allowed myself to entertain sexual thoughts of any kind about another male, specifically the grandson of the man than tormented and abused me for more than half my life.

Rationally I knew that neither Kamal or his family was in no way shape or form responsible for the reprehensible things that man has done and said to me over the years. With Kamal's help and the help of my therapist, I am working through deprograming the obvious poisonous garbage that bastard brainwashed me with.

It wasn't easy though working through a lifetime of negativity. I' m still struggling with coming to terms with identifying with who I am. Living with Kamal and the insane attraction I feel for the man had confused me at first. I'm ashamed to admit that I've felt shamefully guilty whenever I observed him when he wasn't looking, desiring him like no other, and lusting after him had filled me with unreasonable panic. No way was I normal, I believed I was an abomination to Allah. I was the deviant and a pervert like the old man had drilled into me.

But Kamal and the rest of his wonderful family had patiently and diligently showed me that I had nothing to be ashamed of. Not the scars that riddled my body, not my feelings of inadequacy, nor the very abuse I'd suffered. They all made me feel strong, told me I'm a survivor and that there is nothing wrong about who I may find attractive. Kamal's parents were amazing people. It's no wonder that Kamal and his siblings were such a special people.

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