Theories and Discussion- Clockwork

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*TRIGGER WARNING: SA (sexual assault), self harm*

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Her real name is Natalie Ouellette, and before her transformation she had brown hair and hazel eyes. She grew up very rough with her only object of comfort being her stuffed giraffe. Her father was verbally abusive, physically abusive, and aggressive about his political beliefs. Her mother was much nicer, but she was still unnecessarily strict and didn't notice when Natalie was struggling. Her brother was abusive in extremely gross ways I'd rather not detail because it makes me uncomfortable. This lasted for four years until she was brave enough to put a stop to it. Before this, she tried to confide in the girls at school about her brother, but it became gossip and she was bullied for it.

On top of being bullied by her peers, Natalie felt bullied by time. The fact that time was against her made her angry and wound her up. (That wasn't meant to be a clock pun, but it works.) It greatly bothered her that her teachers kept saying things like "Your time is almost up.", which later leads to her catchphrase, "Your time is up."

She didn't have much of an outlet to deal with these feelings of frustration but she made do with what she had. As she got older and outgrew her giraffe, she found more and more comfort in drawing gore. She didn't display violent urges or tendencies and her drawings aren't said to have reflected her desire to inflict pain on others. They were just an outlet for her feelings, and she felt misunderstood when everyone else was freaked out by them. Her boyfriend broke up with her when she was 16 because of how unsettled he was by her drawings. This seemed to be her breaking point even though the breakup wasn't violent or rude, he just kindly stated that he didn't want to see her anymore. Her reaction to this was to go home and stitch a smile onto her face using black thread. Her mother saw her doing it and put her in therapy immediately, but it didn't go very well. Natalie said "Natalie isn't here anymore." at one point which seems to have led to her being put into a psych ward.

Both her parents were actually saddened by this news, but they allowed it and gave the doctors permission to administer medications to her. Soon after, Natalie experienced anesthesia awareness while unconscious during a medical procedure. If you aren't familiar with that, it's a very rare event in which you wake up from the anesthesia but are still locked up and unable to move or speak. It's like sleep paralysis, and you can still feel everything the doctors are doing. Since she was hooked up to a heart monitor they noticed her heartrate spike and began trying to put her back under. It didn't work, she got a rush of adrenaline and broke through the bonds. She walked toward a doctor who was frozen in uncertainty, but he was saved when she got a sudden pain in her chest and blacked out after coughing up blood.

After this, she awoke to find that the medications administered to her had turned her eyes green. They glowed in the dark, too. Her mouth stitches were still in for some reason but she was overjoyed at her appearance. When she saw the doctor in the room she told him his time was up and punched his ticket. It was gory and gross. His eyes, nose, and mouth were bleeding and he was strapped to her hospital bed. It was bent upwards at a sharp angle and his spine was snapped. The security guards arrived and saw her on the floor in the corner drawing icky things in his blood, including her catchphrase. She had her main character moment and punched the security guards' tickets as well. She dodged a gunshot, took their weapons, all kinds of stuff.

After this, she somehow broke out of the hospital and made it all the way back home where her first reunion was with her mother. Her mom tripped and hit her head on something during their altercation, falling to the ground paralyzed. Natalie carved her mom's chest open, took out her heart, and then put the heart into her mom's mouth? Would that even fit?

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