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I'm a bit annoyed that everyone considers that whole 'college student' thing canon, it isn't. That was made by Sally's creator. I'm also a bit annoyed that this chapter was entirely incorrect for like, over a year. I've updated it all to be canon but holy FUCK I had everything so wrong. I couldn't find the canon creator's account originally so the sources I could confirm as canon were pretty minimal. But then I went back to check one of the links I provided at the bottom and it had changed. I guess the page got updated because I managed to find what I'm pretty sure is Jack's canon creator's page. On that page is hella information about Jack, including the fact that he is canonly named and gendered which I was unable to confirm just based off that one story about Mitch and his brother.
Since there's so much new content I'm gonna call this a new chapter even though it's technically not.
Eyeless Jack is a humanoid creature dressed in a black hoodie and a dark blue mask. There always seems to be a mysterious black liquid dripping from the eye holes of the mask. He has no eyes, nose, or mouth to be seen.
Before he became the creature he is, his name was Jack Nyras. He was 5'11 and 19 years old. His hair was brown and he had white skin that turned gray upon his transformation. His teeth became jagged as well. He was used in a cult sacrifice where his eyes were torn out, being replaced with hot tar and blood. The sacrifice failed and left him as the eldritch abomination he is now. Without his eyes to see, he navigates using his other senses. He's not a human or a deity, just a monster with no memory of his past life. He's not got any superpowers, but he is very durable.
Though there's no canon story for when Jack is human, we do have a story of him after his transformation. A man named Mitch goes to stay with his brother and he hears things rustling around outside at night. Assuming it's a raccoon he pays no mind until he hears his window opening the next night, a large thump inside the room following it. He sees nothing though, not until the next morning when he wakes up with a gash in his cheek and his left kidney missing. The incision was sewn up completely. The next night, Jack actually shows himself. Mitch quickly snaps a picture and makes a run for it after kicking Jack away. He runs into the woods and falls unconscious after tripping over a rock (dumbass), waking the next morning in the hospital.
There in the hospital, it's explained to him that his brother was killed. He goes back to collect his belongings and on the floor near where his brother's body still lays (for some fucking reason?), Mitch's own half eaten kidney is laying there. It's covered in the same black substance that drips from Jack's eyes.
There aren't many canon personality traits given to Jack since he doesn't have a background story, but it can be inferred by his methods and behaviors that he's cold, unreadable, calculating, cruel, precise, impatient, and ruthless.
It is well known that Jack's intentions are criminal and cannibalistic. He attacks and kills people, eats the parts he wants, and somehow avoids getting caught. He seems to go after the kidneys in particular. He takes them and then sews up the incisions while the victims are asleep. It's possible he prefers for his victims to be left confused and scared before he kills them, something we can see in the story when he left a gash on Mitch's face and took one of his kidneys while he slept. The next night he came back, presumably for the other one.
He removes the kidney while the target is asleep or knocked out and then sews the wound back up. He returns shortly after to presumably take the other kidney. He left a wide gash on Mitch's cheek so maybe he taste tests first before committing to taking a whole organ.
I should also mention he is not sneaky or discreet at all. He opens the window and just, KATHUNK. Slams his ass in with a loud noise. He did manage to evade Mitch's sight so I guess he's a little sneaky, but definitely not subtle or quiet.
Unknown. Lots of people think he uses a scalpel but that's only in Sally's creator's version. It isn't canon. It's possible he has claws that he uses, or at least really sharp nails, but I can't be sure. The only reason I mention this is because in the story it says "After the picture took, the creature lunged at me and tried to claw open my chest to get to my lungs."
I wouldn't say this is enough information to confirm he has claws. I think the word 'claw' was more used to refer to the gesture of clawing that Jack was making rather than him having actual claws.
Many people may think Jack would have supernatural strength but there isn't evidence for this, especially considering he was fought off with a single kick to the mask. Super durability and super strength are very different. His intended victim managed to escape into the woods and live, so I don't think he'd be too hard to survive.
I think despite his seemingly emotionless nature he does have a sense of pettiness within him. I say this because it seems like he got revenge on Mitch for escaping. He killed his brother and left Mitch's own half-eaten kidney next to the body, which comes off as a way of adding insult to injury to me. But maybe he didn't like Mitch's kidney or he got too much of the black goop on it and decided to see if he liked Mitch's brother's kidneys better.
I think it's strange Jack sews up the incision he made to get to Mitch's kidney. I don't think an eldritch monstrosity with no memory of his former self has time to take a sewing class. Maybe Jack was a medical student before he was transformed, and though he has no memory of being one, he has the muscle memory necessary to remember how to sew a wound. Maybe he does it so his victim doesn't bleed out and he can come back for the other organ when he gets hungry. Or maybe he can't eat too much at one time? He only ate half of Mitch's kidney, after all. And if he took more than he could eat I doubt he has a stable place to live where he can store leftovers. He's probably constantly on the move.
I also think it's strange Mitch didn't wake up to having his entire fucking kidney removed. I could try to create a theory off this but honestly I think it's just a massive plot hole, there are a lot in the story anyway.
Now that I've gotten to see the full canon story now, it's super weird. EJ still is super mysterious to me, but I'm glad the creator gave us a little bit more. I also find it weird that Mitch didn't notice his kidney was gone until it was too late. Like bro HOW. Maybe EJ does have some medical knowledge, and managed to sedate him to prevent him from waking up. Though I think that's a stretch. I dunno. Still weird as hell. - Brinlee
Creepypasta Research Journal
Horror*Crossposted from Quotev* Remember friends, creepypasta is fiction! Don't act stupid. This book consists of completely canon information on as many creepypastas as I felt like covering.