Creepypastas I won't cover

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*If you want to see Brin's chapter on The Black Wolf, it's on Quotev. I added the link as an external link*

The Black Wolf. That guy is fake and extremely obnoxious. He's been exposed already, you can read Brinlee's chapter about him if you want to see more. But seriously, he has no proof to his legitimacy, and the photos others have shown me of him trying to prove himself are extremely bad. There were some photos he tried to say Slenderman was in. You know what was actually in those photos? Me neither. There wasn't anything. I zoomed in on everything, not a single pixel in those photos contained anything even a little Slenderman-like.

In addition to that chapter, the photo on this chapter is a testimony from someone who knows West in real life. If you do know West or ever speak to him, please encourage him to seek mental help.

As for other creepypastas I won't cover, I don't cover newly made OCs. I only intend to cover creepypastas that have been around awhile or ones that interest me personally. If you want to request someone, send me a link and I'll see if it's a creepypasta I'm willing to cover.

Although I'm not really willing to cover any of the creepypastas below, if you REALLY want me to cover one, I'll consider it. I would prefer not to though. If you just want to know if I have any theories on them, that's fine. You can message me and I'll tell you that way rather than writing a whole chapter on a creepypasta I'm not interested in.

Radioface. Too short, the grammar isn't easy to understand, and he isn't well known enough. Just a bad story overall.

Apple Jack/Bad Apples. Not well known enough and it's pretty short. I can't add much.

Lil Miss Rarity. Guys, it's basically pony porn, and that's REALLY not my thing. You could argue that Pinkamena (who I will cover) was just a snuff fic, but Rarity's is much more overtly sexual and I'm not comfortable covering that at all. You can read about sexy masochistic ponies on your own time.

Sadie Serenade. She's an OC with basically no background or story to her. There's no depth or content to really cover.

Killing Kate. Not well known enough and a bit too Mary-Sue. There's a lot of Mary-Sue creepypastas but since she isn't as popular, I'm not going to cover her.

BRVR. Not well known and the story has too many clichés. The writing gets very predictable and boring about halfway through. I actually kinda like the story but it's still objectively bad, so I won't bother covering it.

Tails Doll. The story is too short for a chapter, there's not enough content to cover. It isn't well known enough, anyway.

Happy Appy. 'Tis bad, end of story. Also holy SHIT it's long. I don't want to spend that much time on something I find uninteresting.

Squidward's Suicide. I'm very sensitive to child death (I love children) and though some of the other stories in this book have it, this one is just too severe for me. I also get really uncomfortable reading about Squidward's depression at being booed off stage. It makes me feel sad for him. I know it isn't real but you know how you can get second-hand embarrassment from shows like the Office? I get second-hand sadness, you could say. I just get a strong empathetic feeling that makes it hard to get through stories like this without wanting to cry. I'm really sensitive, sorry.

Ms. Pencil Neck. The comic she's from was deleted and the only story I could find on her isn't confirmed as canon. It's bad anyway, horrible grammar and plotline.

Nightmare Ally. She has a voodoo doll and she's not from a region that has any business practicing voodoo. She's a little bit of a Mary-Sue anyway, so I'm not really willing to cover her. She is kinda interesting, I like the concept of her gears and key. But it's not enough to make me wanna cover her.

Heartful Lou. It literally says "cereal killer" in like, the first sentence. Not happening.

The Expressionless. Bad, short, and cliché at the end. It also features kitten death which I am very sensitive to at the moment. Around Christmas 2022 we took in some kittens (none of them died, don't worry!) because they were left out in negative temperatures. I grew really fond of them, but we took them to an adoption place in January 2023 since we couldn't keep them. I'm currently taking care of my cousin's cat as well and I've grown really close to her, so I'm just not feeling up to covering any kind of cat death stories right now. It doesn't matter how brief the mention is.

Dark Link. Dark Link is a canon Zelda character, but the creepypasta spin-off is just bad. Too much blood and shock factor, and the whole story is predictable and boring. No character development or anything worth covering. I love the Zelda games, I am not gonna do them wrong like this.

Suicidemouse.avi. I kinda find it boring, it isn't my style of story.

Lazari or anyone else from ieatpastaforbreakfast. Firstly, the comic was abandoned. Then it was seemingly scrapped entirely as the creator began writing a new one with completely original characters. Lulu and Lazari were still in it but EJ became someone named Zachary and Jeff became Milo. This story was abandoned too, so there's nothing to cover. I wish the new one continued, I kinda liked it. I hate the old one, the new one looked way better.

Herobrine. No horror aspect.

Tenderman and basically any other Slender rip-off aside from the main three. They're not popular enough and I really couldn't be bothered to do research on such niche characters.

The Pianist. Not very well written and not super well known. I do kinda like it but not enough to cover it.

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