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A/N: This is literally so bad but these are getting harder and harder to write because I don't think they're a couple anymore (I did when I started writing this so it was easy) bUT ENJOY IT REGARDLESS

"I want to be dead. I really do." Scott laughed at Mitch's dead pan tone. Mitch was frustrated. 

"If we fuck up one more time... Oh my god." Mitch rubbed his face, exasperated. 

Once they finally finished the video, their voices were thoroughly wrecked and their patience was completely gone. 

"I don't know what happened back there, it's like we lost our ability to one: sing, and two: speak english," Mitch groaned.

Scott replied, laughing, "I know, I'm so tired already and we were only there for an hour." Mitch shook his head, "fourty-five minutes actually." They both flinched.

"That's all? God." Scott flopped on the couch, turning on the TV. Mitch shook his head, grabbing his boyfriends hand and pulling him up.

"Uh-uh, no. This is a 'cuddle in bed until we fall asleep' job, watching Desperate Housewives isn't enough right now," Scott giggled and yawned.

"Is taking a nap at four in the afternoon really appropriate?" Scott stopped to ask, and added when Mitch looked at him quizzically, "I mean... we're adults." 

Mitch smiled and pulled Scott colser, "Exactly, we're adults. Which means when we wake up it'll be happy hour and we can drink!" Mitch flashed a big smile at Scott and he laughed, nodding.

"You raise a valid point, Mr.Grassi," Scott laughed again and followed Mitch to their bedroom.

"I agree with you, Mrs.Hoying" they both giggled out of sheer tiredness. 

Suddenly catching the giggles, the two men lay back on the bed together, lauging at the ceiling.

"Do you think the video will turn out okay?" Scott turned to Mitch on the bed, still giggling a but.

"I think they're starting to figure it out" Mitch replied, regarding their fans. Scott stopped giggling, but still smiled confused.

"What? Why?" Mitch groaned.

"Are you serious? You basically sang every romantic song to me." Mitch looked at Scott confused expression and smiled.

"I did not."

"You so did! What about for the Drake song? Just Hold On We're Going Home? You sang that to me, no subtely." Scott's eyes widened, still smiling.

"Yeah, well we had to act it! The fans will know that. Plus, you played along, so...." Mitch shot Scott a confused expression, "...So....?" 

"So you totally have a crush on me." Mitch laughed and slapped Scott lightly.

"Do nooot!" Mitch played long. They laughed together. A moment later, Scott rolled over and wrapped his arms around Mitch.

"No matter what we do, they'll suspect. You know that." Scott whispered and kissed Mitch's cheek lightly. He nodded, "I know. I just worry sometimes."


"I don't know, honestly. I guess I just love you too much," Mitch smirked and kissed Scott. 

"Nonsense," Scott giggled and continued to kiss Mitch. 

They both fell asleep, and when they woke up, they felt refreshed. When they both fixed their hair, went to the bathroom, and basically did anything to cure boredom, they found themselves bored again.

"Alright! Drinking time!" Mitch clapped his hands and got up to get some wine.

"Hey, should we really drink? It's not like we need to or anything. Really, it's just irresponsible." Scott said seriously, and the couple stared at each other for a moment before breaking out in laughter.

"Blame it on the alcohol," Mitch sang loudly and not seriously. Scott laughed, grabbing a bottle from Mtch's hand and taking a swig straight from the bottle.

"Damn, Scotty. What was that about irresponsibility?" Mitch chuckled, watching his boyfriend drink in wonderment.

"Oh my god, I don't care. I just feel happy," Scott started to dance in place, and Mitch laughed at him.

"You're adorable. Now pass me the bottle before Momma slaps you." Mitch said sweetly, holding his hand out. Scott passed him the alcohol quickly with wide eyes. 

"Okay, pushy." 

"You like it," Mitch winked and gulped some white wine down. 

"Do you feel guilty about drinking tonight?" Mitch asked Scott as they lay back on the couch after having a giggle fit with each other.

"No, why would I?" Scott asked, staring at the ceiling. 

"Well, our only justification is that we had a tough time with a video, when it didn't take that much effort at all. Or at least less effort than our other musical videos," Mitch replied, making Scott's eyebrows go up slightly.

"Hm." Scott said simply, staying quiet for a moment before rolling over and burying his face in Mitch's neck, "Nah, wine is good." They laugh.

"This video's going to be great, I don't care how innapropriate and mildly sexual it was." Mitch said finally, smiling brightly. 

Scott laughed, "who doesnt love some mildly innapropriate sexual songs?" They laughed. 

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