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A/N: This one's got a prompt. The prompt was: "For the next update, when Miranda (Colleen) comes over the guys try to hide that they are dating from her, due to her over reactions, but of course the tension and lust between them is just waaaayyy to obvious" I stretched it a bit, but the general idea is there.

Scott is on top of Mitch when Colleen arrives.

They had been making out on the couch like they were teenagers again; and they loved it. They were about to take it one step further when they heard a knock at their door. Scott leaped off of Mitch and he was across the living room in one bound. Mitch rushed to the bathroom without a word. Scott grinned to himself, knowing he was going to fix his hair. Scott snapped out of his daze when he heard another knock. Knowing his hair must be messed up too, he threw on a snapback and called Mitch.

"Out, out! She's here!" Scott said, grabbing Mitch's hips and ushering him out the bathroom.

"Yeah, yeah, calm down. How do I look?" Mitch turned around to face Scott.

Scott grinned at Mitch's anxious expression. Scott swiped a stray hair off of Mitch's forehead and kissed his now bare forehead.

"You look amazing, babe" he whispered.

Mitch's eyes widened as Colleen knocked again. He rushed to the door, ripping it open swiftly.

"Hey, Colleen!" Mitch said almost too cheerfully.

"Finally. Oh my god, what were you two doing?" Colleen ignored Mitch's greeting, walking past him and looking around at their apartment.

"Uh, we were just taking a nap. Time got away from us, I guess" Scott chuckled awkwardly, taking Colleen's bags and heading to the living room to set them down.

"Uh huh. Nap?" Colleen grinned, obviously not buying it.

"Yeah. Well, Scott was taking one, I wasn't. I was listening to music with earphones. Didn't hear you until the song finished" Mitch said nonchalantly. He was always so much better than Scott at lying.

"Oh okay. Well, sorry about my manners, jeez. Hi guys! How you been?!" Colleen dropped the subject and suddenly became cheerful.

Mitch sighed in relief and hugged Colleen, talking to her about their days, and what their ideas were for the videos.

Mitch and Colleen were sitting on the couch as Scott struggled with the camera and tripod. Mitch was just chatting and giggling with Colleen over her Miranda costume when Scott stepped right in front of them, facing the camera. Mitch zoned out for a moment, staring at his boyfriend's ass. Colleen (or Miranda) was going to say something, but she didn't when Mitch snapped out of it. She would bring it up later, she thought.

Scott turned on the camera and finally sat down, grabbing his phone as he did so. He turned to Miranda and his boyfriend, nodding.

"You ready?" Scott asked them.

They nodded and turned their faces to the camera, smiling.

Not laughing at Miranda was harder than Mitch thought it was going to be. He could not stop laughing at one thing Miranda had said, something dumb about Jell-o and spanking. He had his face in his hands, and he was crying/laughing uncontrollably.

"Is he going to be okay?!" Colleen/Miranda said, giggling in awe.

"Yeah, he does this all the time, it's adorable" Scott murmured, eyes on nothing but Mitch. He hadn't even realized he said it.

Colleen/Miranda nodded, deciding not to say anything again.

Mitch calmed down, turning to Scott.

"Okay, I'm calm now. How do I look?" Mitch asked casually. Scott didn't answer right away, he just stared at Mitch.

Looking deep into his eyes with a small smile, Scott said, "Beautiful."

Mitch smiled until he realized they weren't alone. His eyes widened in shock as he thought of a way to dismiss the endearing compliment.

Mitch leaned back cupping his hands around his mouth and shouting "Gaaaayyyy" in a deeper voice than normal to mimic a joke from Community. They all laughed and didn't talk about Scott's comment, but Colleen noticed the glimmer in their eyes.

When Miranda was done answering a question from Scott's phone, Scott looked down to ask another. Colleen tapped Scott's shoulder.

"It's actually Mitch's turn to ask the question" she reminded him.

"Oh, yeah. Here, babe." Scott said casually, handing Mitch the phone without thinking.

Mitch took the phone, eyes wide. He decided to ignore that comment. There was no possible way he could come up with an excuse for that one. They both silently, waiting for Mitch to ask the next question. He did, and they all pretended it never happened. But Colleen remembered.

After Colleen was done filming the videos for all of the channels, she got up from her spot between the two love-birds.

"Alright, well, I should be going now" she smiled, grabbing bags and walking to the door.

"What? Already? You can stay for dinner, or coffee, at least." Scott said, standing up and walking after her. Mitch got up after Scott did, chasing after them both.

"Uhm, no. Thanks, really, this was fun but I don't want to ruin what you two have going on" Colleen said.

"What?" Scott replied, oblivious.

"No, it's just you two are a really cute couple and I don't want to intrude."

"What do you mean?" Mitch asked, speaking up from behind his boyfriend.

"Well, you're obviously ready to jump each other." Colleen deadpanned.

"What?! No, Oh my god where are you getting this from?" Scott said, almost angry but not quite.

"You're telling me you two aren't a couple?" Colleen said confidently, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, no… But-"

"Ha! See, I told you! Even when we collaborated with Pentatonix back in 2011 you two were ready to jump each other." Colleen smirked.

"Actually, we weren't together back then" Scott said

"Yeah, Scott didn't even no he was gay back then" Mitch pitched in.

"What? Really?! I want the story to that later." Colleen giggled

"But right now, you two obviously need your privacy" Colleen smirked, hugging both of them and leaving. Scott closed the door behind her, jaw dropped in shock. He turned to Mitch, looking for some sort of answer to what just happened, but Mitch just shrugged and grabbed his boyfriend. Mitch led the blonde to the couch and they happily continued to what they were doing before they were so rudely interrupted.

A/N: If you don't get what I was referencing on the 2011 bit, go check out PTX's "Moves like Jagger" featuring Miranda on YouTube.

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