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A/N: I own't lie, this one's a bit of a stretch, but bare with me here. Hope you like it, Love yall <3

"'What are your opinions on showers?' Mitch takes the longest showers!" Scott complained. Mitch elbowed him.

"Stooop they relax me" He said in a higher voice than usual.


Earlier that week

"Mitch! Get out of the shower! Seriously, we have to be in the lobby ready for the bus in five minutes!" Scott was leaned against the bathroom door and screaming as loudly as possible, banging his fist against the door os Mitch would hear him loud and clear.

"I'm not even close to being done yet!" Mitch yelled from the shower. Scott frustrated beyond belief at this point.

"Okay, that's it. I'm sick of it!" Scott yelled, opening the unlocked door to the bathroom. Mitch almost fell down, he was so surprised.

"Scott!" Mitch screamed harshly, trying to cover some of his nude body. Scott ignored his boyfriend, stripping down his clothing quickly.

"I'm taking my shower now, wether you're in it or not." Scott got in the shower, pushed Mitch aside and began to shampoo his hair rapidly. Mitch chuckled under his breath in disbelief.

"You're not actually- You can't just- Scott, I-" Mitch stuttered. Scott grabbed the conditioner and turned to Mitch.

"You should probably start with your conditioner, too. We're gonna be late in like, two minutes" Scott said non chalantly. Mitch just stuttered some more, so Scott rolled his eyes and began conditioning his boyfriend's hair. 

Mitch stood, still in shock, just staring at Scott. Scott inched closer to Mitch, lathering the brunette's hair.

"Alright, come on" Scott whispered, grabbing Mitch's hips and turning him around so he was under the shower head instead of Scott. Scott rinsed Mitch's hair as Mitch just stared at Scottin bewilderment. Scott then moved Mitch again so he could rinse out his own hair. 

Scott stepped out of the shower, grabbed a towel, and began to dry himself. Once he was done, he grabbed a still-in-shock Mitch and a towel. He ruffled the towel over Mitch's head, giggling once he saw Mitch's messed up hair. Scott dried the rest of his boyfriend's body as quickly as possible, treating it like a race. Which it was, kind of.

"Alright, do you need me to dress you too?" Scott said, putting his hands on his hips. Mitch finally snapped out of it.

"Oh, no; I- I uhm, yeah. Clothes. I can do that, thanks." Mitch averted his eyes and speed-walked out of the room, staring at his feet as he went. Scott eyed him in confusion as he left, but just shrugged it off.


The entire band was finally settled in the bus (it turned out Kirstie was later than Mitch and Scott anyway) and Mitch had been silent since the 'incident'. Kirstie nudged Scott.

"What's up with him?" She whispered, pointing to Mitch.

"I don't know, it's as if he's never seen me naked before." Scott said, faking confusion; but anyone could have seen the smirk on his face. Kirstie would have spit out her water if she had been drinking water.

"Am I right?! Eh?! Eh?!" Scott said holding his arms out to the group expectingly, but no laughs came. Just huge widened eyes from everyone. Especially Mitch. Kirstie turned to Mitch instead.

"Okay what's really going on?" Kirstie questioned again.

"Nothing, I just learned a thing or two about showers." Mitch said, giving Scott a look.

"And what is that?" Scott asked, smirking.

"To take much longer ones."

A/N: This one was kind of risqué, but whatever. I guess I liked it? Tell me what you think about stuff like this :/ Love yall! <3

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