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A/N: I'll admit it, this one's a bit of a stretch. Whatever, hope y'all like it! <3

Scott had woken up with a warm cup being placed in his hand and warm lips on his own. His eyes flickered open and he saw Mitch Grassi, his beautiful boyfriend, with a huge smile on his face and his own Starbucks cup in his own hand.

"Good morning, beautiful." Mitch whispered in Scott's ear delicately.

"What time is it?"

"You slept in, it's eleven."

"Shit! The new camera guy is coming in an hour!" Scott leaped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, immediately sticking a toothbrush in his mouth.

"Guess why I woke you up?" Mitch said with the sass that Scott loved so much.

Mitch kissed Scott on the cheek and left to go watch his lunch time cartoons. Fifteen minutes later, Scott shuffled out of their room looking great, but still obviously tired. He threw himself on the couch next to Mitch, cuddling into his boyfriend's shoulder. Scott hummed softly as he started watching the newest Spongebob episode.

Mitch gave Scott a mischievous look that Scott didn't notice. Mitch hummed softly and shrugged Scott off of his shoulder. Scott opened his mouth to protest, but was immediately cut off with Mitch's lips on his. Soon, Mitch was straddling Scott's hips on the couch and kissing his neck furiously.

"Okay, not that I'm complaining or anything, but the guy's gonna be here soon" Scott managed to stammer through his gasps and moans.

"So? Ugh, you're gorgeous" Mitch moaned against Scott's neck, moving back up to kiss his soft lips again.

"Well, I told him he didn't have to knock, that he could just walk on in-"Scott was cut off again when Mitch thrusted his hips against Scott's making the blonde moan.

"Shut. Up" Mitch groaned against Scott's lips.

Scott obliged happily, and soon, Scott was shirtless, laying on his back on the couch, with a lustful Mitch on top of him. Scott was worried about how far this would go, but he didn't care, because the love of his life was straddling him and he wanted more. Mitch was still kissing Scott when he started to unbutton Scott's shorts, and they would've gone so far if they weren't interrupted-

"Uhm. Are you guys, uh. Scott and Mitch?" they heard a voice ask. Mitch flew off of Scott, throwing his shirt at him. Scott pulled the shirt on his body as quickly as humanly possible and buttoned his shorts.

"Hey, uh, yeah, I'm Scott, this is Mitch. You're the uh, camera guy? Right?" Scott stuttered quickly.

"Uuh. Yeah. We were supposed to film the 'Common White Girl tag'? Was that it?"

"No, yeah, that was it. So, you can set up your stuff, and we're just gonna…" Mitch trailed off, and pulled his boyfriend to their arm harshly.

Mitch led Scott to their room and slammed the door behind them. He pushed Scott against the shut door and whispered harshly at him.

"What do we do?!"

"..What?" Scott was immensely confused

"Well? What do we do? He just caught us… Y'know..?" Mitch said, blushing

"Why do we have to do anything?"

"Yeah, but, do we apologize? Do we ignore it? He's the permanent camera guy, Scotch." Scott giggled at the nickname.

"Don't worry, Mitchie. I'll take care of it." Mitch smiled, and gave Scott a quick kiss on the lips.

"Thanks babe."

The two of them stepped out of the room feigning innocence. They sat on the couch they had just been almost-sex-ing on, and sipped their drinks quietly. When the nameless camera guy finished setting up, he gave the boys a thumbs up for them to start.

The episode started off without a hitch, it was only until afterwards when Scott was editing that he noticed his hickey.

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