PET PEEVES (feat Todrick Hall) PT 1

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A/N: This one was too long, so it's a two parter. Hope you like it!

Scott and Mitch were brain storming on what to do for the next superfruit, which was due for four days. Needless to say, they were stressed. They both decided it was best to ignore the elephant in the room, and to just not talk about that kiss.

"I don't know, shouldn't we spice it up a bit?" Mitch suggested after an hour of debating.

"Yeah, but like…. How?" Scott replied, exhausted. It was already eleven thirty.

"Maybe have a guest? Someone we know will show up, and that'll be funny. Ooh! Someone musical!" Mitch yelped, too exhausted for that time of night.

"What, like Kirsty?" Scott yawned.

"No, someone they don't already know." Mitch waved off the suggestion.

Scott was about to protest, but he held his tongue; knowing most of the fans were fans of Pentatonix first. Scott shrugged, thinking hard. Who is musical, and my friend? Scott immediately thought of Todrick. He's somewhat popular already, sooo musical, and we've been friends for so long. Scott jumped at the thought. Mitch has met Todrick before, but he doesn't really know him. Scott was delighted at the thought of getting to introduce Todrick to Mitch and show Mitch he's liked too. He wasn't mad at Mitch, or insecure, it's just that everyone likes Mitch. He's just universally liked; and Scott wasn't jealous or anything, (he totally was) but Todrick's a cool guy and he's Scott's friend. Not Mitch's. Scott smiled to himself.

"I got him!" Scott practically screamed.

"I mean I got it!" He corrected himself.

"Holy shit, what?!" Mitch whispered angrily, trying to get Scott to calm down.

"Todrick! Todrick Hall! Remember him? You've met him a couple times, we're such good friends" Scott beamed.

"Uh-huh, yeah I remember him" Mitch said, suspicious.

"So..?" Scott replied, waiting for a response.

"Yup, it's a great idea! I'll call him tomorrow!" Mitch said with finality, getting up to prepare himself for bed. Scott grabbed his arm to stop him, though.

"Uh, I can call him he's my friend. It's okay, Mitchie" Scott laughed.

"No, it's okay" Mitch smiled innocently, almost making Scott melt.

God he's perfect.

"Alright then" Scott said absent-mindedly.

Mitch nodded and walked over to his bedroom for bed. Scott watched him go, smiling dreamingly. As soon as Mitch was out of sight, he snapped out of it. He slapped his forehead, Stupid! You let his dumb, perfect face get the better of you! Stupid, stupid, stupid! He didn't know why Todrick's friendship was so special to him, it just was. Well, maybe not Todrick's friendship. Maybe Mitch's? But why? Scott was very confused as to why he was being so protective, and to add that kiss to the mix, was even more confusing. Scott smiled, remembering the kiss. It was perfect, but it had ended too quickly.

He was hoping Mitch would do something. Ask him out on a date, ask him to be his boyfriend, ask him for another kiss, anything. But nothing happened. Maybe Mitch was waiting for Scott to do something? Scott assumed that was it. His only regret was letting Mitch act as if nothing happened. Scott sighed. It's too late now. He was snapped out of his (rather depressing) thoughts when Mitch busted through his bedroom door.

"Okay, so I was totally expecting you to follow me to bed and cuddle me" Mitch said grumpily, crossing his arms over his chest like a toddler.

"And why is that?" Scott chuckled casually even though his heart was racing.

"Um, maybe because I had nightmares last night and you totally heard me whining in my sleep but you didn't even do that cute thing they do in the movies where the dude shakes the girl out of her nightmare and cuddles her and then she never has nightmares again, but no. You knew I had a nightmare and you did nothing" Mitch rambled.

"Okay, so basically what you're trying to say is that you're scared of having another nightmare?" Scott replied, still smiling.

Mitch hesitated, looking around grumpily.

"….yes" he mumbled silently.

Scott grinned, getting up. He wrapped his arm around Mitch's waist as he approached him, leading him to Mitch's bed. Mitch crawled into bed, waiting for Scott to follow suit. Scott did so, and let Mitch cuddle him until they were basically spooning. Scott wondered why they weren't dating yet. Mitch was fast asleep in a matter of mere minutes. Scott lied awake thinking about how good they would be together. He did that a lot these days, especially since that kiss. He hoped Mitch thought the same about him. Although he probably didn't; relationships weren't really Mitch's 'thing'. Ever since his break-up with Travis, Mitch just flirted with guys and had the occasional one-night stand; which broke Scott's heart every time. Scott fell asleep to thoughts of Mitch.

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