The Cycle Begins- I'm a Time Lord

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You sat in the TARDIS, pondering over the man you had just encountered. His presence is ominously...enigmatic. You decided not to think about it too much. Suddenly, you heard a knock on the TARDIS's door. You start to think of who might it be. You walk over to the door, and opened it. You see Ruby, in a casual overalls.

You: "Hello? You need something?"

Ruby: "You're...not leaving yet right?"

You: "No. Not yet. Why?"

Ruby smiled and hand you a ticket to some sort of performance. You take the ticket with an eyebrow raised.

You: "Uh...what's this?"

Ruby: "A ticket for the idol performance this night! Me, Kana, and Mem-Cho are performing in, if it isn't a bother...erm...could you come..?"

You smiled at her. She seems nervous, probably because it's going to be her first real performance as an idol. But she's seems particularly nervous at you.

You: "Well of course, I'd love to come to the performance."

You take another look at the ticket, before looking back at Ruby with the same smile.

Ruby: "Great! Bye~!"

Ruby walk off with a huge smile on her face. You looked at the ticket in your hand one last time before stepping out of the TARDIS and taking a stroll around the block. You spotted a park in the distance and decided to enter it. You sat down on a near bench and pulled out a book and some reading glasses. You read ripped out the last page of the book and start reading it. A few minutes goes by, you had turned 5 pages in total. Suddenly, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You put your book down and looked behind you, it was Aqua.

You: "Oh hello, you need something?"

Aqua: "Mind if I sit next to you?"

You: "Not at all."

Aqua sat next to you, he didn't say anything after that, so you just kept on reading your book. But eventually, he speaks.

Aqua: " know about the idol performance coming up?"

You: "Hm? Oh yeah. Ruby gave me a ticket."

Aqua: "She did huh?"

Silence again, Aqua looking dead ahead while you went back to reading your book. After a few minutes, Aqua stand up and stand infront of you. You look up from your book and raised an eyebrow at him.

Aqua: "I have a favor to ask..."


The idol performance are starting, many idol groups went on stage and give it their all. Singing and dancing. When the time for the B-Komachi group to step ontop of the stage, you walked into the crowd of audience, Aqua following behind you.

Aqua: "Take this."

Aqua hand you a glowing stick. You looked at it for a moment, before actually taking it.

You: "What's this for?"

Aqua: "Just follow my lead, Doctor."

You shrugged, and go in with Aqua. And then he started idol dancing...

You're Mind: "What the hell..? How can he do that with a straight face?"

After a few awkward moment of hesitation you joined in with Aqua. Seems like you both got the most attention in the crowd. After the performance was done, you sigh of exhaustion. The crowd of people was starting to leave and you turned to Aqua.

You: "Dude...seriously. You owe me big time."

Aqua: "Yeah..."

Just as you about to walk back to the TARDIS, Ruby catches up with you, laughing and giggling to herself.

Ruby: "What was that?! Haha! I know my brother is weird but I never thought that you'd be as weird as him!"

She starts to tease you. You laugh it off, not taking any offense to her teases. After a couple of minutes of her teasing you, she finally stopped.

Ruby: "But man, never thought you had dance moves like that. You wave that glowing stick like a pro! You done that before~?"

You: "Nah. I'd never done that sort of dance before. I just followed Aqua's lead."

Ruby: "Ah, that makes sense. Well anyways, I need to go now. See ya!"

She giggles to herself as she walks off. You stood there for a moment, you looked at the glowing stick in your hand, before shrugging and walking back to the TARDIS.

You: "I guess that dance really cracked her up...hah."

You said to yourself as you walk. You arrived at the TARDIS, only to see sudden sparks coming out of it's exterior.

You: "What the-?!"

You had remembered that you forgot to lock the door...again. You rushed inside, to see the same man that you met just this morning, trying to operate the TARDIS but failed miserably.

You: "You...I knew you're up to no good."

The man snaps his head back, it is him, the man you bumped into that day. Hikaru Kamiki.

Hikaru: " did leave the door unlocked."

He smiled micheviously. You walk up to him. With an irritated expression on your face and a finger pointed at him.

You: "Listen here you lot. Don't ever, ever think you can walk in here, all charm and smiles and act like you're the biggest, badest guy! You're pathetic existence means little to none in this universe."

Ah great, you have snapped. You speak with passive-aggresiveness, it is terrifying to say the least. The anger of a good man is the worst there is. Hikaru can't help but be a little shaken up, he notice you being close with Aqua and Ruby, but he had never seen you in such state. You stared at him straight in the eye and speaks with a sense of power, authority and superiority unlike others.

You: "I'm giving you one warning. Just one. Leave."

Hikaru: "W-Who...who do you think you are?!"

You: "I'm The Doctor. I'm a Time Lord. I'm from the planet Gallifrey on the constellation of Kasterborous. I'm 2000 years old and I am asking you, VERY properly, to leave.

With a moment of hesitation, the man steps out of the TARDIS and leaves quickly. You see the fear in his eyes, you didn't like to be like this, you didn't like to be this sort of person. But sometimes, people can push others to their limit. You sighed in frustration, and sit on the console.

You: "Hell...welp. I better check if he broke anything."

You run a checkup on the TARDIS. The TARDIS shows a couple of burnt circuit and a few wires that is unplugged. You started to fix the TARDIS, while still being a little frustrated at the man's audacity to just walk in and try to operate the TARDIS. After a while, you fixed the issues and make a mental note to yourself to always lock the TARDIS.

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