The Doctor vs Ognore (Part I)

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As Jayla and the Black Swordsman party get along, you cooked up some  vials that'll hopefully severe the hive mind's connection. Isidro is bringing you all the tools you need, while complaining about how bossy you can be. Then, theres the tricky part: How do you successfully splash this onto Ognore?

You: "Alright... I have a plan. Well, two plans actually. Guts, Schierke, Serpico, you're with me. We have two options, sneak our way in, or force our way in."

Jayla: "Wait... what about me? I want to help too."

You: "You just stay put in the TARDIS along with the others."

Jayla: "No. Those out there are my people. And I'll be damned if I just sit here and do nothing."

You: "...Fine."

You sigh heavily. Jayla puffed up her chest, feeling proud that she had convinced you to let her help. Guts stares at the two of you with a raised eyebrow while Schierke looks at Serpico with a awkward smile and Serpico gave her a reassuring smile. The five of you steps outside the TARDIS and set out to go back to the city, with a plan to barge in. Guts, wielding his mighty Dragonslayer, sliced through the city's gate. The brainwashed citizens immediately took notice and charges towards him, while Schierke tries to cast a spell... but to no avail. It is then she remembered that the Astral Plane in this world is either different, or don't exist at all. She hides behind Guts, as Guts alongside Serpico, knocks the brainwashed people out one by one. Meanwhile, you and Jayla are sneaking around, heading towards the palace unnoticed thanks to the distraction Guts, Serpico and Schierke caused.

You: "Brilliant... the Ognore's distracted by them. Let's just get to the brain and end this."

Jayla: "Right..."

You both have finally reached the palace and enters it quietly. And there it is, the giant, mutated brain-like creature sitting on the throne, the Ognore.

You: "Right... Now, Jayla. I want you to take this vial and splash it on to the Ognore while he's distracted when I go and have a talk with him."

No response from Jayla. She is looking at the ground, not moving an inch. This makes you suspicous, you raised an eyebrow, and slowly reached out to touch her shoulder cautiously.

You: "Jayla...?"

Two brainwashed people grabbed you from out of nowhere. You start to struggle out of instinct when you realized that they're not trying to grab Jayla. And then it hits you, the Ognore has been playing you all along...

You: "Y-You're..."

Jayla: "Oh yes..."

Jayla's voice trails from her usual feminine sounding tone, to the same voice that you heard when Ognore took control of the guy to communicate with you the first time you met the brain-like creature.

Ognore: "Jayla didn't even exist. It was me, all along."

You: "... Of course it was."

You sighed out of annoyance. This isn't the first time you had plot twist in your lives. 'Jayla' reached into your pockets and grabbed the vial before walking over to Ognore and stands next to the creature.

Ognore: "You were so simple... so trusting. I would've laughed if it wasn't so sad."

You: "That so?"

You scoffed, the two brainwashed people let go of you, the Ognore must thought that you're harmless now that you don't have the hive mind several vial.

Ognore: "Now... tell me Doctor, how are you going to get out of this situation? How are you going to save these people? Will you run away? Will you fight? Or will you come up with a clever salution from nothing?"

That last line was specifically constructed to taunt you. You can feel a deep burning hatred rising within you, a feeling of contempt that could burn the entire planet down. You stare at the Ognore's brain-like form with contempt.

Ognore: "Not going to say anything? Or are you going to vent? Oh how cute."

You: "... You think... I'm stupid enough... to create..."

You took out another vial of the hive mind several and prepares to throw it.

You: "Just one vial?"

All of the brainwashed citizens's eyes widened as they are the reflection of the Ognore's expression. You threw the vial at the Ognore and it hits. The vial burst open and the liquid inside it flows all over the Ognore, the brainwashed citizens screamed out in pain as the Ognore slowly losses it's ability to control the people of the city. The Ognore's brain-like form then starts to shift, it starts to grow... legs? Arms? A torso? Oh god... this shouldn't be good.

You: "What in the..."

The Ognore manifested a mouth, the hive mind's connection has been severed, but it still got enough energy to annihilate you.

The Ognore: "You... Insolent... Brat!"

You: "Right... time to run!"

To be countinued...

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