Fixed Time- The End.

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The TARDIS materialized back on earth, 2024, Japan. You hold the door open for Akane to step through. She did so politely, but before walking off. You sighed. Maybe you've been here for too long? You should really go.

You're Mind: "Ugh...Why is it always so hard? When I get companions...the hardest thing to do is to say goodbye. But if I don't get companions...Well.."

You let out a long and frustrated sigh. You decided to take a stroll around the block. You stepped out of the TARDIS, and closed the door behind you. You made sure to lock the doors this time, and then you start walking. You stumbled upon the Strawberry Productions. You decided to enter, not having anything else better to do. Once you entered, you immediately is greeted by a familiar face. The manager Miyako.

Miyako: "A-Ah! You're back. Do you need something...Sir?"

You: "Okay listen, I'm not the FBI. I lied to you. But don't worry, the information you gave me is completely safe. Plus, I'm friends with Aqua and Ruby if that help my case."

Miyako: "WHAT?! You know that's illegal right?! You can be arrested for that!!"

You: "Right. But, I won't."

Miyako: "Oh yeah? Why's that?"

You: "Well, I did say that the information you gave me is safe...but I can't gurantee that it will be safe once locked up."

Miyako: "...So you're blackmailing me?"

You: "A little. Yes."

Miyako: "Ugh...You're impossible. But anyways, why did you come here for?"

You: "Just to check up on the twins."

Miyako looked at you skeptically. You shrugged as if what you said is not weird at all. She sigh in defeat, before pointing at where the twins is.

Miyako: "Ruby is in that room with Mem and Kana. Aqua is not here right now."

You: "Right. Thanks."

You walked over to the door Miyako pointed you at then opened the door. You immediately saw the three girls just hanging out, talking about their lastest performance.

Ruby: "We did awesome!"

Mem: "Yeah! The people loved us!"

Kana: "..."

Kana seem to not join in much in the conversation. She kept looking around, eventually, she spotted you.

You: "Hello, sorry to come in unannounced."

Ruby and Mem immiediately looked at you. They all smiled at you, with Ruby's being the brightest.

Ruby: "Doctor! It's good to see you again~!"

Ruby immediately got up and goes to hug you. Mem looked a little shocked to see Ruby clinging on you. While Kana just watches blankly.

Mem-Cho's Mind: "E-E-E-EH?! When did Ruby even know The Doctor?! Am I missing out on something here?!"

You: "Uhh...Well it's good to see you too. All of you."

You hugged Ruby back, and then you remembered something.

You: "Oh right. Anyone of you knows where Aqua is?"

Ruby: "Nope."

Kana: "No idea."

Mem-Cho: "No clue."

You: "Ah. Alright then."

You scratches the back of your head. You had originally thought to bring Aqua in for a little adventure before you leave this timeline for good. But it seems that he's nowhere to be found.

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