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Charles was pacing in his room at the Kensington Palace. He could not believe that Kavya can do that. He thought that she was the one. The one he could trust no matter what. The one who was made for him. At first, he had not believed the news. How could he? She was not like that.

But then he came to know about her truth. She was an orphan. And all that had been said regarding her was the truth. She was only using him for fame, recognition, and everything she could gain from him.

"Why did you lie to me, Kavya? Why did you hide the truth from me? What have I ever done wrong to you?" He asked but there was no answer.

"Do you believe in your heart that she is like that?" His reflection asked him. "You know why of all people you fell for her; you love her." He took the vase and threw it over the ornate mirror. "Shut up" Charles shouted. The mirror broke into millions of pieces. "Why Kavya, why have you done this? When I have led down my heart, and trusted you with my greatest secret, why had you lied?" He shouted punching his hand over the broken mirror and his hand started to bleed.

His intercom buzzed. "Your Highness, Sir Reginald is here with..." "I am here with Kavya and she is standing here in the rain for two straight hours, now are you going to let us in or not?" Reginald asked. "You can come in Reginald, but she is not welcomed here, tell her to go back to the place where she came back from."

"Charles, she is ill, do you want her to die? It is raining heavily, have mercy." Reginald said not raising his voice. "Ok, let them all in," Charles said and settled down on his armchair pouring himself a drink. He felt numb inside. And his injuries do not hurt as they should have. He had lost the ability to feel anything from anything. The only that he felt was numbness.

"Charles," Reginald's voice made him look in the direction of the door. There she was, standing in front of him once again. She was looking paler and thinner. Has she been eating well? Getting enough sleep? Why does he still care about it?

And his reflection from those broken pieces again said those words

Because you love her....

"Get your guest to a room," Charles ordered. "I want to talk, your highness, you do not get to ghost me and leave me wondering this time." The reply was sharp and quick. It almost sounded unreal to him. She had not done it in a long, long time.

"Get another guest to a room, make sure she is warm and fed, after all, we cannot let everyone complain about us not being polite or hospitable. And lock the room behind." He said not getting up from his place. The storm continued to rage. Kavya too had not moved from her place.

"Take a seat by the fire, you can take off those wet clothes and wear a robe if you like to. Otherwise, you will catch a cold." He said softly. He still cared for her, that was not untrue and he still loved her, with his all. But he cannot overlook the betrayal that she had given him. "No, I am alright, it is not like your world will stop if something happened to me, will it your Highness? I get it, the playtime with me is over. You do not wish to pretend anymore." She said not moving, not closing the distance.

He balled his fists. "You do not know that, Kavya what will happen if something happens to you. How much do you know me? You think like all the others, that I am a damaged good with no future to hold, a damaged good that you can repair, a damaged good that will always be in your shadow that if you let go of me, I will break and fall. But I am not that, I never was that." She laughed and then coughed violently. This time he got up and walked towards her.

"You always charm me Prince Charming the Third." "Don't talk, you are burning up." He said scolding her. He cannot see her in pain. No, she is the one person he cannot see in pain. Not for anything. "I am not..." "Stop being stubborn Kavya." He pulled her closer. "Stop defying me."

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