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Severus Snape was a hero to the Wizarding World. If it wasnt' for his spying for Dumbledore all those years, and risking his life, many thought that Voldemort would have won. He hadn't expected to see the end of the battle, fully expecting seeing Lily's eyes one last time to be his last moments on earth. However, that wasn't the plan that Hermione Granger had. After seeing Voldemort turn on his servant, she made a split second decision to try her hardest to save Snape. 

Fawkes, ever loyal to Dumbledore and his plans, had sensed his presence was needed and a bright firey light shone as he appeared beside Hermione, crouching over a bleeding Snape. Tears were streaming down her face as she looked at the bird bent over Snape's neck. It blinked several large tears, which started to Heal his throat. It wouldn't be enough to heal him on its own, but it would stop the venom from spreading while she spread dittany on his neck to stop the bleeding and mend the skin. He watched her face as she worked, worry on every inch of her face. 

Why she was worried about a traitor like him, he'd never know. He tried to tell her to stop trying to save him, but he could barely keep his eyes open. He faintly heard her call his name as he saw blackness. 

It had taken several moment for Severus to realize where he was. Hospital Wing being cared for by Madam Pomphrey, who was bustling around as usual muttering to herself. Apparently his wounds would keep him from talking for several months at least. He'd have to use what energy he had to scowl his disapproval. 

He'd pretended he was asleep every time Granger came to check on him, hearing her talk to Madam Pomphrey about him confused him. Why did she care if he was okay? She saved his life, what else did she want? A thank you, surely not. He sneered at the thought of thanking the know it all. She had come every other morning to check on him. This morning was slightly different. He heard her voice talking to Irma on his progress, then a third voice had chimed in. 


He almost opened his eyes to look at the boy. Almost. 

"Hope he wakes up soon, I was sort of hoping that we'd be able to tell him that he was getting an Order of Merlin First Class." Potter's voice sounded distressed. Order of Merlin?

They soon left, which followed by, "Severus they're gone, you can open your eyes." The witch could always tell when he had been faking sleep. 

He opened his eyes to look at her. She looked back at him with a slightly disapproving look. "They just want to make sure you are okay," she stated, coming over to do his vital. After several minutes, she let out a satisfied sigh. "You will be released soon, so I'd get the meeting with them over with before the ceremony."

He gave a painful grunt that she took as a no. She scoffed and went to hand him a blood replenishing potion. One of his last doses. He swallowed the bile and watched her closely. She needed to rest herself, she wasn't young anymore and the battle had run her to her limits. He wanted to express his fear for her, but the injury prevented him. He gave a sneer to himself at the weakness. 

Several weeks later, Severus had been released from the Hospital Wing with orders to not talk at all. He only wanted to talk to several people to tell them how disappointed he was in them, or angry that they pitied him. He hated pity. If Granger had saved him because she pitied him being betrayed by a former master, then he'd have a word with her soon. 

The Ceremony for the Order of Merlin was happening at the castle grounds. It seemed the whole wizarding world that was able had attended the ceremony. Several journalists and reporters for different magazines and papers. The trio had taken seats at the stage, beaming with joy and pride at being given the awards. Severus stood in the shadows, not able to speak for himself, he gave permission for Minerva to accept the award for him. 

Being a spy for so long meant he relished the time in the shadows. No one knew except Irma and Minerva that Severus had been released and he wanted to keep it that way. He needed to distance himself from Granger and her pity. Although she looked beautiful in her golden and red striped dress. He shook the thought from his mind. He didn't need those type of thoughts running rampant in his mind. 

Potter, Weasley, and Granger had each answered questions and gave a speech after Minerva had given hers for him. It was a nice speech mentioning how he was loyal to Dumbledore and never wavered his loyalty throughout his time in the battle. It was very moving. Potter and Weasley were taking photos with Minierva while reporters tried to get details of Severus' truth to why he lived. No one knew except a handful of people, and he wanted to keep it that way. 

He didn't realize that Granger had drifted off to the side with a distant smile. She neared him and said, "Finally awake to talk to me." 

He nearly jumped, nearly. He was able to hide his startle with a cough that sounded painful. Truthfully it was. He wasnt' able to respond, so she went on, "I know you think I saved you because I pitied you being betrayed by Voldemort. Truth is, however, I wanted you to live to see the world you helped save. If anyone deserves a second chance, its you Severus."

She looked at him, truely looked at him. He didnt' see pity in her eyes. He saw respect. Something not many people saw for him, even Dumbledore himself. He trusted him, yes, but Severus doubted that the brilliant man ever respected anyone but himself. Her smile broke through his facade and he needed to talk to her more than ever. Thank her for respecting him. Making a split second choice, he took her surprising hand and lead her through the shadows to his chamber. 


Not sure how long this book will be, but I had to get this out. Came to me out of the blue.   

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