Christmas Day Part 2

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Hello, I've been busy with life, but I'm back and here's a part two to Christmas. Also, Merry Christmas to everyone. Its tomorrow!! I hope you all have a great day and get everything you want. 


Severus was immediately given his sweater of an emerald green with a large S on it that resembled a snake. Honestly, Severus was impressed at how amazing it looked. He graciously thanked Molly who also had gifted him several homemade sweets for him to munch throughout the rest of the holiday. Severus searched through the sweets until he found a peppermint imp that Molly had made herself. 

He quickly popped it into his mouth before Elieena had a chance to see him. He had just told her not to over indulge in sweets before dinner. However, Ginny smiled at him while holding Albus still playing with his teddy. Severus gave an evil smirk and held a finger to his lips. Ginny snorted with silent laughter which made Harry turn to her in confusion. She pretended she didn't know what he was talking about. Hermione had gifted him a new frock coat in a dark green with a black stripe going down the arms. 

Harry and Ginny had given him a new cauldron which he was thankful for. He had been putting off getting a new one for Elieena to use during her sessions. The adults watched as the kids played with their toys until Molly and Harry's house elf Kreature, who had asked to come back to the House of Black, called for dinner. Severus helped Hermione down the stairs and pulled out a chair for her to sit in. Elieena sat on the other side of her while Severus to her right. 

Ron kept on looking at Severus with a glare every time he even looked at Hermione, which started to make him angry. Lavender was too busy helping the boys with their dinner to notice the looks. Severus narrowed his eyes to Ron who gripped his fork tighter. Hermione was talking with Molly and Ginny about the baby and wasn't paying attention to Ron. Severus was glad of that. He didn't want another repeat of Halloween. 

"Hermione, I've got to get back to Hogwarts," he whispered to Hermione after he was done with his dinner. She groaned and gave him a tight hug. 

"I'll owl you after the appointment," she said after she gave him a kiss. She had kept up with her muggle appointments and had one in the next couple of days. Severus would have loved to be there with her, but Minerva wouldn't allow it. 

He started his way to the study where he grabbed a pinch of floo powder and threw it into the fire. However, before he could announce where he wanted to go and step into the fire, he was pushed backwards until he fell onto one of the couches. Several pieces of wrapping paper crunched under him. He gripped his wand as it smoothly slid from his sleeve into his hand as he looked up to his attacker. 

It was Ronald Weasley. He was looking angry and breathing hard, his wand pointed at Severus. "Don't even think about it, git," Ron hissed at Severus. 

Severus dropped his wand and he heard it clutter to the floor. Ron kicked it out of Severus' reach and stared at him. Severus could hardly believe this. The young man had sneaked up on a double agent. A man who had fooled Voldemort himself. Severus sneered to himself for letting his guard down. 

"Alright git, you're coming with me," Ron breathed as he wordlessly stunned Severus. 

Severus groaned as he opened his eyes. His neck was screaming at him as he sat up. He was in some sort of dungeon. An old style dungeon, not that unlike the Malfoy's. Severus remembered how he was told that Hermione and her friends had escaped. 

There didn't seem to be any way out, no window, only one door, which Severus knew would be warded and locked to no end. He thought back to the last thing he remembered. Ron Weasley sneaking up on him and then stunning him. He struggled to his feet, groaning loudly as his body protested. He had no choice but to be calm and patient. 

If he didn't return to Hogwarts by tomorrow, Minerva would certainly be alerted. Hermione would go mad and not rest until he was safe again. He didn't know exactly what possessed Ron to do what he did, but Severus knew he would find out soon. Ron would come here and start bragging on how he outsmarted the double agent. 


A little short but I hope you all like it nonetheless. 

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