In The Daily Prophet

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Hello all. I've been working on my actual book lately. Hope that you all will be able to read it soon.


Severus had told Elieena that they were going to have their first lesson on Monday, however with all the hustle and bustle of her being the first ever child to ever surpass every potion year at Hogwarts, it was hard. Reporters were wanting to talk to her and Severus. Owls were flooding their morning breakfast even more than when Elieena was first outed as Severus' daughter.  The Prophet headlined Elieena, Severus, and Hermione for two days straight before finally moving on. 

They retold Severus' story, Hermione's story, then they told Elieena's story. Elieena, at eleven years old, had become the next Harry Potter. She was bombarded in the hallways by older students wanting special treatment in training for potions, books signed, one other first year even asked for a kiss on the cheek. Severus had to refrain himself from jumping the boy. 

"Elieena, you okay?" Severus asked in their first lesson. It wasn't really a lesson, she was training herself with Severus' watchful eye. Every now and again Severus would have to stop her from adding something or stirring the wrong way, which fueled her fire to do better. She would curse at herself and listen intently at Severus' instructions or explanations. 

At the end of their period, Severus would allow her to bottle whatever she made and he graded it that night when they would have their reading time in his chambers. The first potion she made was a perfect forgetfullness potion from first year, it was so well brewed that Severus wouldn't have been able to do better. 

Every weekend, Severus would go meet Hermione in Hogsmeade, at the Three Broomsticks. They'd exchange several words on how Elieena was doing in her private potions classes. Then they'd go to Tilberto's to look around for books together, holding hands. If anyone saw, they never said anything. Not until the Daily Prophet showed up on Sunday Morning. An owl had dropped the Prophet at Severus' plate, the picture of himself and Hermione on the front page sharing a kiss outside the bookstore. 

It was yesterday. Severus had to leave and Hermione had pulled him in for a sweet good bye kiss. He read the headline: OUTED, Snamione Shares Kiss Outside Tilberto's. The report was by a Reba Skeeter. That must be a relative of Rita's, Severus thought. Upon reading further, Tilberto had been called out in the article telling them to 'Scram before he turned them into a book'. Severus wished that Frank had actually done it. He threw the paper aside with a hiss. 

"Severus," Minerva stated in a tone from beside him. 


Minerva folded her paper and looked at Severus playing with his food. "Severus, don't be upset. It was bound to come out."

"It is no one's business but Hermione and myself. Not even Elieena's business," Severus said harshly. He looked at Elieena sharing a glance with Mr. Tark and Miss Riddle before she rushed out the door, glances and laughter followed her. Her friends looked at the table and Severus willed them to go after his daughter. Sadly, though, they didn't. He sighed and went to find her. He had an idea of where she would be. 

Severus walked out of the front doors to the lake where he found Elieena sitting under the tree that Severus had been dangled upside down under so many years ago. It was where his path had been set. "Elieena," he greeted. 

She looked up at him. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying. Severus' heart broke. "I'm sorry." Severus sat down beside her with a groan. He was getting old. 

"For what?" She asked. 

"Embarrassing you. Your mother and I should have been more careful." Severus said lowly. The giant squid splashed around the lake as Elieena sighed. 

"If you and mum are happy, then that is fine with me," she said finally after the squid had disappeared back under the water.

Severus studied Elieena. She was being taunted just like he was, just like her mother was. For being smart, the smartest of all three of them, actually, and she didn't bare him or Hermione any ill will for the increased taunting. "Then why are you out here crying?" Severus asked. 

Elieena looked down at the ground and sighed. "Sometimes words get to me, they hurt." 

He understood that. "Sometimes words do hurt," Severus agreed, nodding his head. "This tree set my path with one word I said."

Elieena looked at him. "I called an old friend a mudblood." Severus looked up to the tree. It held so many stories in its branches. "It ruined our friendship, set me up for the dark arts, and for the Dark Lord." 

"Until Uncle Harry," Elieena stated. 

Severus looked at her and nodded. "Your mother and I were also teased, me more than her."


Severus and Elieena turned to see Elieena's friends standing awkwardly by. They'd finally come to find her. Severus wanted to curse at them for taking their sweet time, but held his tongue. He got up, stiffling a groan of pain and looked at them. He towered over them, like normal. "Elieena," he nodded to her. Then he gave menacing glares to her friends and walked back to the castle. 

He had to send a letter to Hermione. He went to his office to get ready for the day. An owl, however stopped him at the front door. It dropped a letter at his feet and he had to bend to pick up up. The owl gave a hoot and flew off. 

Dear Severus

How is Elieena with what's happening with the prophet as of late? I can't believe they tailed us. I hope she isn't being bullied. I will be there next week, if you wish, or we can pull back a little. Whatever you chose, I will go along with. 


Severus walked to his office, past the hushed whispers and chuckles. He even held himself back from deducting points from a fifth year who ran into him. He just wanted to disappear for a while. Think. 

This thing with Hermione had come by surprise. He had no idea he had feeling for her, nor she him. He didn't know where it was heading either. He knew where he wanted it, though. He wanted a chance at a family, with Hermione. However, he didn't know if she wanted a family with him. Technically they had a family, a broken family. 


its a short chapter. sort of a filler, but like i said, I am currently stuck on writing my other book. Hope to get it published soon.  

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