Morning After

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Severus woke to someone knocking at the door to his chambers. Hermione was still curled up next to him asleep. He groaned as the knocking intensified. He quickly put on a robe that was hanging over the bed post. He went to the door and exhaled slowly before opening it. 

Minerva was at the door looking worried. "Severus, I've just received word that Hermione never showed up at Potter's place for dinner last night. They are very worried." 

Severus scoffed and walked to his chair to sit down. Half their clothes were littered the small living space, which Minerva didn't fail to notice. She made a slight noise as she came in and closed the door behind her. "She's here, isn't she Severus?"

He nodded and looked towards his closed door where Hermione was still asleep. He involuntarily smiled at the thought of yesterday. "She stayed over, must have forgot she had plans." There was a tone of smugness to his voice. Minerva clicked her tongue in a disapproving way. He smirked widened. 

"Severus," Minerva warned. 

"Minerva, she's old enough to make her own decisions. I'm not keeping her here. In fact, I care for her deeply. I'd love to wake up next to her every morning while our children come running in the room begging for breakfast." Severus looked at the fireplace, a distant look in his eyes. He didn't plan on telling Minerva what he wished would come out of this. 

Hermione cleared her throat at the door to the bedroom. She was wearing Severus' button up shirt and nothing else. Minerva averted her eyes momentarily before she said, "Hermione, I'm glad you're okay. I'll send a message to Mr. Potter that he shouldn't worry about you, then." She didn't wait for a response before rushing out the door. 

Severus chuckled at the old witches awkwardness at the situation at hand. Hermione went over to him and gently slapped his shoulder. He caught her arm and pulled her to sit on his lap. He slowly kissed her, earning a moan from her. "Severus," she breathed, "I've got to go."

He growled in disappointment, but let her up. He watched her unbutton his shirt and throw it on him. She had put her bra and panties back on. She went around the room to find her clothes and dressed in silence with Severus watching her. "Hermione, I -- " Severus trailed off. He couldn't find it in him to tell her how he felt. 

She knelt in front of him and looked into his eyes. She gave him a heartfelt kiss. "I love you too," she said before she went to get some floo powder from her pocket. She had started carrying some whenever she would go to Hogsmeade to see Severus. 

"Number 12 Grimauld Place!" The fire turned green as she threw in the powder. She gave one last look to Severus before disappearing into the fire. Severus watched the fire turn from green back to the yellow orange. He felt alone, but in a good way. He smiled to himself. She loved him too. 

The rest of the week went by in a blur. He still didn't tell Elieena about Hermione and him. However, she seemed to understand something had changed with them. He had started getting letters from Hermione every night, which he answered right away. Friday evening, the last day that Severus could tell Elieena about Hermione and him before the weekend started again. 

Severus cleared his throat as Elieena finished her wolfsbane potion that she had started Monday. Boom Berry had been added and seemed to work wonders for the potion. If only Lupin hadn't died during the battle, he could have used this potion. He decided to ship it off the St. Mungo's to have them test it to see if it would be more helpful than the normal potion. 

"Yes, Professor?" Elieena said, sitting down on the other side of the desk to start writing an essay on the wolfsbane potion and how the boom berry should help the potion. 

"It's about your mother and I," Severus started, bouncing a leg nervously. Elieena stopped searching for her quill at the bottom of her bag and stared at her father. "Your mother and I are seeing each other."

Elieena's eyes went from curious to happy. "Does that mean you will live with us at Grumauld place after school is out?" She asked happily. 

Severus hadn't thought that far ahead. He was simply going with the flow. "I'm not entirely sure that Potter will allow that," Severus stated honestly. 

Elieena shrugged. "I'm sure that if you and mum told him how you felt, Uncle Harry would allow it."

He smiled at her. "I have a home. Small, not for more than three people." He didn't know if Hermione wanted more children or not. If she did, then his house at Spinners End needed to be sold and they would have to buy a new house. Of course there was the Prince Mansion that he had been left a few years ago. He was the only living heir to accept the house. 

The mansion had come with several house elves that Severus had delegated to both work at Hogwarts and keep up the mansion as best as they could. He never called on them, which at times made him forget he had them. "There is also a mansion my family left me," he said to himself. 

Elieena went to work on her essay and left Severus alone to his grading. He exhaled as he finished the last sixth year essay on dark curses. He heard Elieena putting her things away. "I'm going to head off to the library," she stated. 

Severus nodded. "Alright, that essay is to be handed in on Monday," he told her as she left his chamber. She didn't acknowledge it with a response, only closed the door behind her. 

Severus started to relax while reading a book on love potions gone wrong. He was halfway through a chapter on amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world, when the fire spat loudly. Severus looked at the fire as it turned green and Hermione's head poked through. Severus smiled at her warmly. "Couldn't stay away?" He teased lightly. 

Hermione scoffed. "I wanted to talk to you and Elieena about this summer. Harry brought up the subject and it can't wait until tomorrow."

Severus put his quill in the inkwell on the side table and looked at Hermione's head expectantly. 

"I told Harry about our relationship and he stated that while he harbors no ill will towards you, he'd rather not share a home with you. Since Ginny is expecting their third child and all, their house is getting full. They welcome me and Elieena, however..." She trailed off. 

"They don't welcome me," Severus finished for her. He didn't blame Potter. He had been terrible to him at school. 

Hermione's face winced a bit apologetically. "Sorry," she started, but Severus held up a hand to stop her. 

"No, it's fine. I have a home if you want to stay there with Elieena. Two actually." Severus listed. "Prince Manor and Spinners End." When Hermione didn't respond, Severus went on, "I plan on selling Spinners End. Its not that big." 

She nodded. "Where's Prince Manor?" 

Severus inhaled and let it out slowly. He didn't like talking about Prince Manor. The only time he'd ever been there was when he was five years old and his grandparents had thrown him and his mother out because she was still with his father. "Its in the country, not far from Malfoy Manor actually." 

  Hermione groaned. "I know that Malfoy changed his tune after the war, but I still don't like him." 

Severus laughed. "You don't have to like him. He's not going to be living with us," Severus responded with a chuckle. 

Hermione sighed in the fire. "Severus, would we be welcome at your manor this summer?"

"I would be insulted if you two didn't join me," he said softly. 


Hello again. another chapter down. 

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